As the meeting point is at Carrefour, we drove round and round looking for it. Last-last, benti kat Shell... MrHubby tanya budak pam attendant tu.
MrHubby: Dik, Carrefour kat mana hah?
Budak: ??? Haa?
MrHubby: Carrefour. Carrefour.
Budak: Oooo... kay-four!!!
MrHubby: Haaa..ye lah. (malas nak buat kelas bahasa kat Shell)
Budak: Abang kena ikut sana. Terus je...nanti jumpa la.
MrHubby: Ok. Tima kasih ye.
Gitu le kaedahnye. Since I was 16, aku diajar... Carrefour, being the French supermarket- mesti la sebut cara French kan?
Kar-foo that is.
Well, tapi orang Mesia sebut Car four, Kay four, Care four... ikut sedap tekak la.
Okaylah..apa kata korang klik kat sini untuk dengar sebutan dengan French accent.
Yang aku pelik sangat, iklan Carrefour kat TV (yang ada Mawi & Ras Adiba) dulu pun sebut Kay-four... sebab nak bagi ngam dengan tagline 'care for you'.
Tapi kan aku ada jumpa satu citer tentang Carrefour ni...
This may help those who have problem pronouncing the word.Saw this posting on the net, discussing how to pronounce Carrefour. This fellow has an interesting explanation: You're all wrong.
Carrefour is owned by a French of Chinese descent - Cantonese to be precise. He started the success-ful business with money provided by his maternal uncle. In order to thank and honour his uncle for the start-up assistance, he decided to name it after his uncle. Out of sheer respect, he could not bring himself to use his uncle's common name. So he called it the way he would always call his favourite uncle in the Cantonese dialect and i.e. --- Cow-Foo ---
Carrefour is owned by a French of Chinese descent - Cantonese to be precise. He started the success-ful business with money provided by his maternal uncle. In order to thank and honour his uncle for the start-up assistance, he decided to name it after his uncle. Out of sheer respect, he could not bring himself to use his uncle's common name. So he called it the way he would always call his favourite uncle in the Cantonese dialect and i.e. --- Cow-Foo ---
hehehe aku pun sebut "kafu" french style
ReplyDeletecina tu sebut cow foo... apa apa jelah janji paham..
ReplyDeleteyup...pelik jugak org sebut k4..jd mcm bila kita sebut ka-fu org tgk mcm kita ni alien hahahaha
ReplyDeleteLagi hangin bila pekerja kat sna gelak kan aku...da betul aku sebut tau.
ReplyDeletehuhu..nasib baik aku sebut 'Kar-foo'...xdela aku terasa bila kena komen cenggini..hahaha..
ReplyDeletenasib baik x cow-poo sudahhhh
ReplyDeleteciter tu.. kisah benar ke beb?
dah biasa sgt dengar org2 msia silap sebut CARREFOUR. Knur pun sebut ikut FRench pronunciation. Cerita yg akhir tu betul2 ke? hehehe
ReplyDeletecowfoo?? nape tak cow poo terus kahkahkah