*sticky entry*
Korang buat apa Sabtu esok?
Atau Sabtu depan dah ada aktiviti?
Kalo belum... jom le join

Belajar secara formal might sound boring. Kita yang tua..eh, remaja ni pun rasa bosan, apatah lagi anak-anak kecik. So, this is the time for us to make it fun and interesting. Hence, the solution is TATEH PLAYGROUP!!!
It's a play-based program designed for children twelve (12) month to four(4) years of age which aims to meet the developmental needs of the "whole child" in order to grow emotionally, socially, cognitively, and kinesthetically through structured and active play classes.
Masa kecik-kecik ni la kita nak maximize potential dan develop sensory skills, social and communication skills anak-anak kan? Especially anak yang jarang nak mingle dengan kawan-kawan, sebab selalu socialize dengan atuk/nenek atau maid je.
Amongst the activities are:
*Structured learning
*Music time
*Multi sensory learning
*Physical play
*Circle time & Fun with phonics
*Craft and messy play
*Nature play & field trips
I'd say it's gonna benefit the parents too.
Selain bermain dengan anak-anak, mak bapak boleh relax in a friendly environment, meet new friends dan share macam-macam citer.
So, sesapa yang malu-malu tenuk tu can take this opportunity for personal development la.
Jom..jom... berkumpul kat
InsyaAllah I'll be joining the session on 16th April- actually gedix nak pegi this weekend, tapi kena iring students pegi UPSI la pulak :P
baru je aku bookmark tateh playgroup page ni kat pc..cadang nak g jugak..tp xtau bile..
ReplyDeletemcm best ajer tapi nak ke sara kids tu mcm tak berani ajer..sabtu my hubby keja pulk tu.my nuha pun berminat btol nak sekolah.
ReplyDeletenape kuar page not found eh?
ReplyDeletealamak, 9th baru namapak, otherwise sempat nk p arini...maybe next week la kot!
ReplyDeletekalu takde anak nak join gak bleh keee *nyibuk mode* hehe
ReplyDeletenanti nak contact la Belle..dah lama nak bwk Diha join playgroup.