Aku bukan la kaki kipas boss, sebab aku sendiri meluat tengok kaki kipas.
Ada yang kuat bodek tu, tak cukup kipas...siap dengan air-cond lagi, full blast pulak tu!
Anyway, ni aku list down ayat-ayat untuk menyenangkan hati boss. Ni kira mulia la kan- sebab bukan setakat "Wah! Lawa tie bos arini!" atau "Makin muda pulak nampak bos lately." Lame la weiii.
To make it sounds nice, remember... Keep it about the work and I bet it will keep your boss smiling throughout the work week.

No.10 – “It’s already been arranged.”
Kalo cuak keje tak siap pun, jangan la dok berkias-kias sangat sampai pening kepala boss dok wonder apa sebenarnya status keje yang diberi.
No.9 – “Good news.”
Jadilah pekerja yang menyampaikan berita gembira kpd boss anda. Being a source of pleasure for your boss is never a bad thing.
No.8 – “No problem.”
Jangan termasuk dalam golongan yang asyik complain "Alaaa... banyak keje la boss." --hehe.macam familiar je.
Bagi la boss rasa senang hati sikit bila delegate keje kat kita.
No.7 – “I made a mistake, but I’m fixing it.”
Hahaha. Nak tak nak, one day, you’ll screw up! Tapi kena la responsible kan.
Ni pernah jadi kat aku last sem-bila aku dah pass keje to co-ordinate Practical Training kat sorang colleague, tapi dua-dua orang lupa key-in markah, so result tak dapat generate.
So, aku yang dah balik (dok hadap journal kat rumah) bergegas amik Lil Adam dan setelkan semua tu in a timely manner (actually sempat siap 5minit lebih awal). Tapi aku tak blame la colleague aku tu.
No.6 – “About X, I’ve figured out we can do A, B or C. What do you think?”
Bila minta advice drp boss, jangan terus terjah dengan kepala kosong macam aku- nampak sangat blur nya. Hahaha.
It's better if u come up with several options and your preference. Baru la nampak macam manusia berguna.

No.5 – “I figured out what to do about X.”
Not every problem is simple enough to be solvable in a few minutes, and that’s OK, but you should keep thinking about the problem and try resolve it (or at least move it forward). If you come up with a solution or at least a next step, share it with your boss. The more you get promoted, the larger and more complex the problems will get and the harder it will be to find a “perfect” solution. Show to your boss that you’re able to plan ahead and solve the bigger problems — so he or she won’t hesitate to promote you when the opportunity arises.
No.4 – “Consider it done.”
When you make this statement, in one instant, an item has gone from something vague in your boss’ mind to a task that’s assigned to somebody. This is a step toward being seen as a “go-to person” “your boss’s reliable right-hand employee.
No.3 – “I’ll see to it personally.”
Ni kira terer sikit la drp “consider it done.”
Tapi ingat-kalo rasa standard of excellence korang tu tak mencapai tahap yang boss korang expect, jangan cari bala.

No.2 – “I found a way to get it done cheaper.”
If earning the company more, make suggestions to save money.
In my case, aku memang selalu dah check mana yang murah... walaupun guna duit fakulti/gomen, aku takde la buta perut sangat nak ikut sesedap rasa jer. Hasilnya? Bila nak defend proposal tu, tak la berpeluh-peluh dahi macam orang jogging 10 rounds.
No.1 – “Let me run an idea by you.”
Haa..ni memang baekkk punya ada inisiatif. The boss will appreciate you trying to come up with ideas, tapi jangan le gatal-gatal launch tanpa minta opinion dia.
Haaa...ni dah bagi tips ni, tapi aku rasa tahun ni pun takde nye aku nak dapat APC.
AKu takde la gila pangkat, tapi hati panas la jugak kalo immediate boss dah assess elok-elok pun, sekali kena pangkas dengan boss atas. Haihhh...
Anyway, ni aku list down ayat-ayat untuk menyenangkan hati boss. Ni kira mulia la kan- sebab bukan setakat "Wah! Lawa tie bos arini!" atau "Makin muda pulak nampak bos lately." Lame la weiii.
To make it sounds nice, remember... Keep it about the work and I bet it will keep your boss smiling throughout the work week.

No.10 – “It’s already been arranged.”
Kalo cuak keje tak siap pun, jangan la dok berkias-kias sangat sampai pening kepala boss dok wonder apa sebenarnya status keje yang diberi.
No.9 – “Good news.”
Jadilah pekerja yang menyampaikan berita gembira kpd boss anda. Being a source of pleasure for your boss is never a bad thing.
No.8 – “No problem.”
Jangan termasuk dalam golongan yang asyik complain "Alaaa... banyak keje la boss." --hehe.macam familiar je.
Bagi la boss rasa senang hati sikit bila delegate keje kat kita.
No.7 – “I made a mistake, but I’m fixing it.”
Hahaha. Nak tak nak, one day, you’ll screw up! Tapi kena la responsible kan.
Ni pernah jadi kat aku last sem-bila aku dah pass keje to co-ordinate Practical Training kat sorang colleague, tapi dua-dua orang lupa key-in markah, so result tak dapat generate.
So, aku yang dah balik (dok hadap journal kat rumah) bergegas amik Lil Adam dan setelkan semua tu in a timely manner (actually sempat siap 5minit lebih awal). Tapi aku tak blame la colleague aku tu.
No.6 – “About X, I’ve figured out we can do A, B or C. What do you think?”
Bila minta advice drp boss, jangan terus terjah dengan kepala kosong macam aku- nampak sangat blur nya. Hahaha.
It's better if u come up with several options and your preference. Baru la nampak macam manusia berguna.

No.5 – “I figured out what to do about X.”
Not every problem is simple enough to be solvable in a few minutes, and that’s OK, but you should keep thinking about the problem and try resolve it (or at least move it forward). If you come up with a solution or at least a next step, share it with your boss. The more you get promoted, the larger and more complex the problems will get and the harder it will be to find a “perfect” solution. Show to your boss that you’re able to plan ahead and solve the bigger problems — so he or she won’t hesitate to promote you when the opportunity arises.
No.4 – “Consider it done.”
When you make this statement, in one instant, an item has gone from something vague in your boss’ mind to a task that’s assigned to somebody. This is a step toward being seen as a “go-to person” “your boss’s reliable right-hand employee.
No.3 – “I’ll see to it personally.”
Ni kira terer sikit la drp “consider it done.”
Tapi ingat-kalo rasa standard of excellence korang tu tak mencapai tahap yang boss korang expect, jangan cari bala.

No.2 – “I found a way to get it done cheaper.”
If earning the company more, make suggestions to save money.
In my case, aku memang selalu dah check mana yang murah... walaupun guna duit fakulti/gomen, aku takde la buta perut sangat nak ikut sesedap rasa jer. Hasilnya? Bila nak defend proposal tu, tak la berpeluh-peluh dahi macam orang jogging 10 rounds.
No.1 – “Let me run an idea by you.”
Haa..ni memang baekkk punya ada inisiatif. The boss will appreciate you trying to come up with ideas, tapi jangan le gatal-gatal launch tanpa minta opinion dia.
Haaa...ni dah bagi tips ni, tapi aku rasa tahun ni pun takde nye aku nak dapat APC.
AKu takde la gila pangkat, tapi hati panas la jugak kalo immediate boss dah assess elok-elok pun, sekali kena pangkas dengan boss atas. Haihhh...
ai tiap2 tahun dapat APC
ReplyDeleteAnnual Practising Certificate
mana butang like ni...?? sebagai bos ai nak like manyak2
ReplyDeletegood info la belle!
ReplyDeletefor sure ramai yang copy ayat nih nnt hehehehehe
bagus gak tips ni...hmmm
ReplyDeletesuka sgt post nih..
ReplyDeletei nak copy paste entry u ni sebijik sebulat huruf tau, sbb i malas nk menaip (rajin komen ja). i nak letak kat blog sbb i nk dedicate kat someone yg mmg jenis-bos-makan-ampu kat opis i nun. hehehe.
patutla i tiap2 tahun dpt APC !! bahahaa (mana ada leh dpt tiap2 thn in a row, ingat Dato CT ke?)...
ReplyDeletewoo..itu kira kipas ke? I rasa itu adalah cara2 work in a smart way considered memang kita kotakan apa yg dikatakan.
as mentioned before,mmg i akan ckp2 benda2 yg u listed tu kalau i buat / confident boleh buat...
this week, our no 1 sgt marah dgn PTDs ...sgt sukahati laa...lalallaa..(sorry kalau ada PTD yg baca di sini,maybe u all lain & much more professional dari batch yg ada di tmpt i).
oo..no wonder la all the PTDs rasa tak suka dgn i yg efficient lagi innovative ni! dah..dah korang keja semua kena suap, salah aku ke kalau boss mrh??? ngeh..ngeh..pdhal gred sama je lebih kurang!! (tp korang gaji lg tinggi dari aku..mana aci)