Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Facebook? Nah!!!

If I ask u now..."Who has a Facebook account?"
Prolly many hands are pointing up to the air... or at least mumbling "I do" to yourselves.

Well, most of my friends, students, colleagues, etc. have been talking about this Facebook for so long...and it has become a more-than-phenomena, even greater than Friendster (as some might say).

Yet, until today if u ask me...my answer is "No, I dont have FB."

Hahaha. BerryBear once said "Even those aborigines have FB, why doesn't she?"
Siot jerr...

To be frank, actually I do have the desire to create an account, bcoz I'd love to keep track of my old friends and ex-students.

I might not be addicted to that Farmville thingey - cultivating the land, raising stock though.

However, certainly it's nice to be a part of that 'in' thing that people are talking about.

But let's put it this way... I don't like to make myself sorta attached to something. Just like watching some popular dramas that need u to sit on the couch everyday when it's about to start, whereas there are days u might be back late from the office. It will only disappoint u.

and summore...I heard the website is blocked now (where I work). Hahaha.
So, I could have been disappointed if I started FBooking earlier, only to be refrained from updating it after that.

Nasib baekkk mak belum buat FB account. (ayat menyedapkan hati) Hahaha


  1. i pun tak ada facebook..hihi..
    dengan blog pun i dah cukup suka..
    kalau buat fesbuk, nanti i asyik dok depan pd jer dok main farmville segala.. tak berasap lak dapur hihi..

  2. Tak payah laa buat lalai je

    (ehem speaking of whom, aku la tuh) Do layan game jok!)

  3. Hahaha klakor jek gambor tuh.. Kt opis i fb tak kene block.. Hihi.. I guna fb utk keep track dgn my frens n utk keje.. Senang.. But i x main pon game yg ade kt situ.. Xtergoda pon haha!!

  4. tak perr.. if i mengata ismaniza kat FB pon bukan dia tau.. dah tak ade account.. :)) qeh qeh qeh.. cayalah so many secret abt u that i put there oredi muahahahahah.. :P

  5. i ade facebook tapi tak aktif sgt sebab kat office kene block pastu kat umah mane ade masa. kdg curi2 jerk. bile nak on laptop si kecik tu pun menyibuk same..

  6. hahaha.
    aku gembira. rupanya ramai blogger friends yg sama sepertiku.

    lady of leisure,
    blog pun dah keep us occupied kan? kalo bz FB, mesti blog bersawang.

    layan game pun, kalo keje jalan, xpe.

    jgn start tergoda, nanti jenuh nak benti.

    woi..apa kutuk2 ni woi? nak kena pukul nih...(sambil buat muka garang)

    xpe la...esok2 dah surut citer FB nih, kita baru register...time tu leh keep track gak dgn kwn2 lama kan? hahaha.

  7. me pun..join the FB sbb saje nak track kwn2 lama. tp still x berapa reti nak main dan takmo langsung try main Farmville itu.

  8. is is is isk isk isk....

    kalau takut tak tau nak guna, cakap laa... i kan boleh ajar... x yah bayar pun... hehe...

  9. excuse me:) menda apa pon kalo kita x cuba..x rasa nikmatnya..kalo dulu xde blog..dah ada-jd suka..macam tu gak fb..

    in fact..fb is much2 better+interactive compared to friendster,myspace,hi-5,tagged+yg seangkatan dgnnya..kalo bab nak carik blk kwn2 lama-fb pny network connection mmg bagos..tip-top!

    to those yg bau b'jinak2..mula2 mmg susah..juz give urselves some time and u'll find it very user-friendly..

    kalo bab2 applications kat dlm fb tu..up to individuals la..xde la kena ngadap sampai 1jam pon..farmville tu..10-15mins pon dah cukup utk tahap sorang pekebun tegar..kalo malas nak harvest hari2..tanam crops yg 3-4days bau masak..hehehe..

    afterall..it's all in ur hands;)
    belom cuba..belom tau..

  10. salzahari,
    moh le kita men'tegar'kan diri agar tahan godaan yg mengganggu keefisienan kita di tempat keje. hahaha.

    sempat lagi nyelit tuh.
    drp ajar fb, baek u ajar i tukar my blog jd 3-column :P

    xpa la.blogginng pun dah cukup membuatkan aku occupied.

  11. isk.....baru coba baru tao.....berbaloi-baloiiiiiiiii!!!!

  12. karanaaaa facebook...aku dah lupa daratan. aku lopa pada blogku...

    hey... jgn fikir lain ye... i sebok dgn games (farmville/ cafe world/ aquarium bla bla)... hehehe... menyesal pun ada but for me... facebook ni ok la.. so & so xde la hebat mana pun. xde la plak excited nak invite kengkwn (bukan sebab xde kwn k)

    tapi acik hang dah FALL IN LOVE with FB.... siap organize reunion for school & uni bla bla bla... org rajin.... ramai peminat boleh la layan fb ni.

    for me cukup la sekadar games..habuan lepas tension...that's it!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. kalau nak compare blogging & facebook... aku pilih blogging walau pada dasarnya aku malas nak menaip/update entry.

  15. mofis,
    berbaloi-baloi? hahaha. dengan celcom,pasti lebih mudah.

    for the time being, i'd rather record what's going on in my life in the blog rather than joining FB. wei, nnt xjadi p conference. so, blk cuti sat saja la no?

  16. i ade FB tapi takdela sampai addicted..cume berminat nak tgk photo2 kawan je

  17. ceh... xjadi... spoil plan betoi.. xpa... hampa tunggu kami turun KL.. kita pi genting! huhuhuhu... tgh riki kot2 boleh dpt bilik pree....

  18. farah,
    haa..mcm tu kira ok la. x kaco keje kiranya.

    wei, dpt 1 bilik pun jadi la. kita himpit2 pun x pa. janji kita enjoy...

  19. kalau 1 bilik tu dah confirm boleh dpt. hang buat lasagna.... kita bekal...bak kata acik.. seppp


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