Thursday, October 1, 2009


Am not feeling good right now. I feel down and so-so.
Today is Thursday, hence there'll be lotsa lectures to conduct. I can't wait for the next two then, all's over I suppose.

Early this week, I went to KPJ Selangor (SMC), to consult on my menses that has gone haywire (just like before being hitched).

As a result, I had to pay quite a hefty sum of money for two boxes of Mercilon (that could have been free at the panel clinic, perhaps?). The Dr. also decided to repeat the PAP Smear on me as she observed something pretty unusual (read: The colour wasn't clear as the normal ones).

Now that I am putting it on hold, not to start taking the pills yet, bcoz I haven't had my expected cycle. Err... could it be? Err... it's too early to tell, anyway.

On a lighter note, am listening to this song right now... Karam-Zabarjad.
Do u still remember the song?

Dapatkah putik kan menjadi bunga
Kiranya cuaca sering gerhana
Dapatkah kasih bersemi selamanya
Ataupun aku harus berserah kepadaNya
Yang Maha Esa

Mestikah ada satu perngorbanan
Sehingga terjadinya perpisahan
Kiranya itu satu permintaan
Perlukah kau dan ku merelakan

Kita hanya insan yang selalu mengharpkan
Suatu yang indah dalam percintaan
Di kala tiba dugaan mendatang
Aku kau tinggalkan

Karam aku di lautan duka
Bila wajahmu hilang di mata
Tiada berita pengubat rindu
Di kala sendu

Kubiarkan luka di hati berdarah
Sehingga kering dimamah mentari
Apakah salahku
Disakiti begini

Perlukah aku terus mengharapkan
Camar yang hilang kembali ke sarang
Apakah masih ada kerinduan
Yang tersimpan di hatimu sayang...


  1. insyallah..amin...i dah dapat pun my menses yesterday..sob..sob..sob...

  2. Be patient, Isabelle.
    He knows the right time for you :D

  3. hmm,
    suka lagu karam tu dulu
    sampai sekarang suka dengar lagi...

  4. salzahari,
    sob sob *tumpang sedih, sambil lap hingus kat baju salzahari*
    xpe, dear. keep on praying for the best.

    yes.yes (ayat cuba pujuk ati)

    haha.memang kaki jiwang kita ni

  5. ish~ awat yg lirik zabarjad ni len macam tah..
    argghhh~ karam!karam!
    aku geram!hahaha..

    dan sat tu 'ada' patient..

  6. bettyone,
    huk huk...
    "karam aku di lautan dukaaaaa
    bila wajahmu hilang di mataaaaaa"
    wei, jom p karaoke.hehe

    wishing for the 2nd one.

  7. Cheer up bebehhh ...
    Allah knows what's best for us ...

    Ku doakan hanya yang terbaik untukmu sekeluarga ...

    Senyum selalu :)


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