Saturday, July 11, 2009

Does ur hubby call u...this?

What does your better half call u?
a. By your name?
b. Awak or I-you?

c. Endearments like Ayang, Sayang?

d. Mama, Ibu, or such?

Oh yeah, BTW I heard that it is wrong (for husbands) to call the wife with the latter (Mama, Ibu & such) as the terms refer to mother (who gave birth to them).

I myself tried to avoid using those terms, however it seems like we are comfortable with 'em.

Hence, I discussed the issue with MrHubby, and he said...
"This is the problem with Muslims nowadays. They talk without referring to Hadis & Sunnah, whereas that is what we are obliged to do.

Why worry and argue over little things? Don't be like Bani Israel when Allah SWT ordered to slaughter a cattle. They even asked what should the colour of the cattle be, yada yada.

So, why make things difficult? There are many other important things in life...and if u don't mean your real mother while calling your partner with the endearment, let it be."

Ermm... I suppose that answers the question.

Early this week, MrHubby had a tongue-twist when he called me "Dayang..."

Me : Huh! Awek mana pulak nama Dayang ni? Kantoi!
MrHubby : (grinning shyly) Err...
Me : Hungga hungga! (continued laughing, bcoz I knew he just stuttered)
MrHubby : I wanted to say Darling and Sayang at once la.
Me : (teasing) Hahaha... Ayah silap!!! Hungga hungga... :P


  1. memula kawan awak-saya
    start pas tunang abg-ayang smpailer skang..
    tp bile da ade anak tu.. sesekali pgl gak dia 'bie'
    "bie... tolong bie bawa Qis.." tp klau kami berborak berdua.. bese abg-ayg ler

  2. papanya pasha panggil aku ayang.. hahaha gak berubah dari jaman pacaran sampe sekarang.. masalahnya ini gak umum didengar di jkt.. klo disini udah paa biasa kali yah..qeqeqe.. ngapain aja weekend is?? aku ke dokter.. my armpit swollen.. karna mau stop asi untuk pasha.. aduuuhh dimarahin deh ama dokter..

  3. hmm..benda ni dulu pun ader org ckp kat i..ekceli masa kitorg kapel dlu my hubby smpi lani panggl i "MA" singakatan mama n i called my hubby "B" for baby

    ktorg pun ader discuss benda ni n my hubby told me exactly wat ur hubby just told u..really!!!

    susa dgn malay typical thinker ni kan???

  4. sape le yang memandai buat fatwa sendiri tuh.. :)

    tapi, kalau ikutkan dr. fadzilah kamsah, beliau tak galakkan panggil dengan mama,papa,ibu,ayah etc ni.. kata beliau, boleh menjarakkan hubungan.. sebab nanti dah ada cucu, kut panggil neneknya, atoknya pulak.. hehehe.

    tapi, terpulang pada keselesaan masing2 kan, asalkan pandai menjaga hubungan dan semarakkan kasih sayang... :)

  5. dear isabelle, i dengan sesuka hati telah menge-tag kamu ya..he..he

  6. hahaha ye ke tersalah panggil tu??

    my hubby call me sayang tp bila marah tup tup bertukar kepada awak kite taula die tgh marah tu..

  7. yan,
    saya ingat nak ejas2 panggil sayang-abang balik lps dpt anak, tapi mcm x lekat jer....

    emang abg panggil kamu ayang? kok aku x dgr ya? kupikir dia panggil kamu mama.

    yes... we r just not the typical ones. kena pulak kalo deal dgn melayu kat abroad. they are even MALAY than the malays in malaysia.

    betul tu. panggil darling intan payung segala, tapi kalo x pupuk kasih point gak.

    akan kubuat tag mu itu, kakrose.

    hehe..mcm familiar je bila tukar panggilan tu :P tapi mak yg buat. kihkihkih

  8. hubby call me honey, me call hubby b. tapi kekadang tersasar, mama and baba gak.

  9. yaya,
    balun je...janji panggilan yg mesra kan?
    *messsraaa (buat tangan gedik2 mcm Bob AF) hahaha


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