Friday, July 24, 2009

Breastfeeding photo contest

Bersempena Minggu Penyusuan Ibu Sedunia Ogos akan datang, bersama penaja lain akan mengadakan 'Breastfeeding Photo Contest'. Objektif pertandingan ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran terhadap masyarakat tentang penyusuan ibu terutama di khalayak umum. Semakin ramai ibu-ibu yang menyusukan anak di khalayak umum/di mana-mana jua, ia akan menjadikan ini suatu suasana atau perbuatan yang normal dalam masyarakat kita.

Breastfeeding Photo Contest is Fun, Fair, and FREE! Contest ini based on publicity voting. Penyertaan bermula hari ini hingga 25 July 2009. Semua foto akan di'upload' dan akan diundi oleh juri awam mulai 26 july hingga 10 Ogos 2009 (kalian boleh suruh kaum kerabat kalian family, kawan2, sedara mara semua undi kalian).

2 Cara untuk menyertai contest ni:

Melalui Blog
1. buat satu entri khas tentang contest ni.--ok

Until today, I have spent about 22months expressing the love feeding for my darling Cikebum. Despite the ups and downs, challenges from in-laws (they think FM is easier), being away from Cikebum (attending courses) and worrying every now and then if the supply is insufficient...Alhamdulillah I managed to provide him with the most nutritious diet he needs.
And all the situations include the sessions in the car, restaurant, shopping mall benches (not only nursing rooms), on the curbside, etc. U name it...I have tried almost all.
Shy? Not even a little.
For love towards the mini-me, I'd do anything for him. And I am NOT that stupid to opt for FM just bcoz I am shy to bf in the public.
From breastfeeding, you can just admire the type of sacrifices mothers have been making....when you see them breastfeeding in public's eyes....

2. letak gambar unik anda sedang bf. --here it is.
The standing position. Tu belum tengok lagi dia sondol Mama yg tengah meniarap!!!

3. sertakan sekali butir2 berikut:

Nama ibu : isabelle
Nama anak : adam cikebum
Tarikh lahir anak : 18.09.2007
Umur anak semasa foto diambil : 21mths
Lokasi foto diambil : living room
Secara ringkas, kenangan pahit atau manis semasa bf.
When I had to attend a twe-week course, that was the real challenge, bcoz I have never been away from him more than a day (at work that is). So, I had to pump out and store the EBM in the freezer (tanpa malunye, minta tumpang kat pejabat pusat latihan tu).
Cikebum on the other hand seemed to suffer so much that he cried and cried (according to MrHubby & MIL who took care of him), but what really touched my heart was when they told me "He stopped crying for a while when he saw the shadow, bcoz he thought it was me perhaps. Upon realizing it was not, he continued crying."
That was the bitter one. The sweet one is the one that I still experience until today.
As u could see in the pix, while enjoying the bonbon on one side, his finger would be playing with the other one (like tuning for radio channels).
Sometimes, while shopping (when he's in my arms)...he'd even seluk my blouse to get the bonbon. That means he is already bored following the Mama to shop la, apparently.
Notty little Cikebum!

4. letak logo contest di blog dan linkkan ke blog ini ---done

5. dah siap, sila tinggalkan link entri anda di ruang komen entri ini.---will be done shortly

Terms and conditions:

1. ONLY breastfeeding photos are accepted.
2. ONLY ONE breastfeeding photo per participant.
3. One person can only vote ONCE.
4. All entries are to reach us no later than 25 July 2009.
5. Voting starts from 26 july till 10 Ogos 2009.
6. Voting result is final and any form of correspondences shall not be entertained.
7. We reserves the right to ammend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
8. Sponsors reserves the right to exchange prizes to one of equivalent value.
9. All entries must be of participants’ original works. Usage of third party/parties creative works are prohibited, in which the entry will be automatically disqualified.
10. Minor photo touch-up is allowed i.e. adjustment of brightness of colour and softening or sharpening of the image, bluring sensored part :)
11. Winner shall be notified via email and blog at by 18 Ogos 2009.


  1. hah Adam?? camtu pun boleh ke??
    :D Gud luck both of you!!

  2. hahhaa...Aliah belum pernah try berdiri lagi tp duduk, meniarap atas badan dah pernah dah.

    ooho...sama la, dia pun suka 'adjust volume'!! hehhee...

    * actually i baru nak buat 1 contest lebih kurang gini..tak jadilah :(

  3. hahahaa...comey ah adam nih ...poser btoll.... hehhe.. seluk sana sini ..janji dapat ..tetiba plak aku rasa Qarissa nih dah macam jantan ..hahah...memang ganas jer bila beraksi nak nenen ..wkakak

  4. i_sofia,
    uish...adam mmg ganaz.janji dia dpt bonbon dia.

    u buat la contest lain lak.
    BTW,masa adam kecik2 dulu..kalo dia BF sebelah. i akan letakkan tgn dia kat sebelah lagi (i feel belonged).
    skrg x payah suruh... siap kdg2 i tepis lg kalo dia 'tune' kasar2 sgt. hahaha

    ko sure ke yg kasar2 tu qarissa?
    eheh eheh...(angkat2 kening)


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