Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is it Tantrums or Sawan Tangis?

I am worried. Really worried.

My Cikebum started throwing tantrums very badly nowadays. He really shocked me by screaming, yelling, and hitting. The only thing he hasn't is making his whole body go stiff.

Last nite was the peak. He screamed and shrieked out of the blue, even when MrHubby tried to pacify him. How could I not take it personally - when it involves my darl munchkin? :'(

Experts recommend simple solutions but y'know, dealing with an ireful toddler is not always as simple as it seems. I learnt that kids are fast learners, therefore they embark on the mission of life, testing which of their actions achieve a desired result. But if it is learnt, where did he got it from?

Home? Nah...

Nursery? Err.. I doubt it. K.Hasnah seems to be able to discipline 'em well.

When Cikebum turned into a babyzilla last nite, I almost lost my temper. I could still tolerate if he has one of these factors (as I have read) hunger, overtiredness, overstimulation, frustration, fear/anxiety, inability to communicate and resisting change. But he started while he was watching his fav Otomen in the room. What? Unhappy when his superhero was kicked by the monster?

After I finished cooking, I consoled him with the bonbon, and he was quiet for a while until after we broke our fast. Then he started again. Reason? He ran away to the living room without washing his hands as usual and MrHubby caught him to force him to wash 'em (whereas normally he is the one asking for it "Osh hen...".

Example of Cikebum's tantrum (taken from MamaPasha)

I tried taming the tantrums by ignoring 1st, but it didn't work.

Then I offered a hug and asked with the softest voice I have (of all manly deep voice. Haha), but still he screamed.

Warghhh!!! It really made me stressed!

Then, I gave him a chance to apologize (if he remembers that we always solve the problem after he kissed my hand), but he screamed with a higher pitch.

Next, I stared at him and asked if anything was wrong, but he continued screeching. So, that's it...

I dragged him to the room and left him there in the darkness (the door was partly closed). I bet the neighbours could hear him well by then, but I was hoping that he would stop crying, esp. when he realized it's not working.

Unfortunately, it still went on. I entered the room, peform my Maghrib prayer next to him and he was still the same. Oh my!!! It really made me mad!!!

It was damn challenging for a temperamental me! I tried to stay calm and hug him although he seemed to refuse. Then only the cry became convulsive weeping and sob (the bonbon must be the reason, ay? Hehehe)

Since he fell asleep, until this morning that he showed signs of throwing tantrums (again), we have become more anxious. What could be the reason?

My MIL believed Cikebum has tendency to have sawan tangis. It's sorta obvious when he cried all the way from our previous home in Klang to Kg Gajah, Perak while on the way to visit me there.

So, this morning, I googled for sawan tangis. This is what I found...

Kanak-kanak atau bayi yang sakit sawan tangis biasanya akan menangis pada masa-masa tertentu tanpa sebab atau punca. Selalunya tangisan itu memanjang untuk beberapa jam.

Sawan tangis ini di sebabkan oleh rasukan atau gangguan jin atau makhluk halus. Dalam masa yang tertentu, bayi itu kadang-kadang memperlihatkan reaksi luar biasa, dengan wajah yang ketakutan seolah-olah sedang melihat satu objek yang menggerunkan di hadapannya.

Adakala nya makhluk halus ini memasuki badan bayi tersebut dan menggangu sistem urat saraf dan ini membuat bayi itu kesakitan atau tidak selesa. Selalunya bila merawat bayi yang kena sawan tangis, penulis mendapati adanya jin atau makhluk halus di bahagian urat saraf bayi atau di bahagian abdomen atau perut bayi. Makhluk halus ini yang menyebabkan bayi itu mengalami stomach cramps yang kita katakan colic pains.

Darussyifa suggested to recite this doa...

Doa Menghindar Syaitan


Aku berlindung dengan kalimah-kalimah Allah yang sempurna daripada setiap musuh dan kecelakaan, juga daripada setiap syaitan yang tercela. Aku belindung kepada Allah yang esa lagi mulia, daripada setiap musuh dan orang yang hasad , juga daripada syaitan yang derhaka. Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah terhadap hambanya dengan firmanNya “Sesungguhnya Kami telah jadikan manusia itu dalam keadaan sebaik-baik kejadian”.

While Syifa AlHidayah recommended this:-

Amalan Minggu Pertama dan Kedua:

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 1 hingga 20, baca 3 kali selepas solat Magrib atau Isyak dan mohon doa kepada Allah s.w.t.

Surah A-Ra'd ayat 30 hingga 34, baca 3 kali selapas solat Subuh atau waktu pagi dan mohon doa kepada Allah s.w.t.

Amalan minggu ketiga dan keempat:

Surah Al-Israa' ayat 79 hingga 94, baca 3 kali selepas solat Magrib atau Isyak dan mohon doa kepada Allah s.w.t.

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 244 hingga 255, baca 3 kali selapas solat Subuh atau waktu pagi dan mohon doa kepada Allah s.w.t.

Okay. I'll try that.

And I pray for two things...
  1. Cikebum's smile begins to shine through the haze of anger and frustration.
  2. I could endure all these and train myself to be more patient.


  1. memang risau kalau tiba2 budak menangis tanpa sebab ni..nak nak plak time kite tgh letih..mmg boleh ilang sabar di buatnye..

  2. iela pun cukup takut kalau baby nangis x tentu sebab...selalu iela baca subhanallah, 3 kul dan ayat kursi tepi telinga...cubalah..

    btw iela nak minta tolong vote Contest Rumahku Syurgaku...

    Just taip saya vote 4 di

    tu je...maaf..raih undi la pulak..huhuhu

  3. Tapikan Isabelle, rasanya pakcik kecik tu dah takde kene mengena dengan sawan tangis sbb dia dah besar...anyway, kalau syak ada yang tidak2 mengganggu dia, minta suami azankan dan baca alkahfi dgn yasin...Uwaiys akak pernah jadi begini dan husband akak azan hampir sepuluh kali sblm keadaan jadi lega semula...

  4. I usually read in silence without commenting ngee :) but this time I might be able to offer some shed of light on this

    Must be "something" bothering him and when you said "I entered the room, peform my Maghrib prayer"
    and then you said "KG GAJAH"
    BAMM that was the clue...

    He was crying during Maghrib right?
    I'm not claiming I have experiences in this but maybe I was "blessed" by the gift of 6th sense (my late grandfather ada ilmu - he came from tanah jawa). I can feel something is wrong...or someone watching you...or the hair at the back of my neck raise

    My daughter had a similar experience when we visited there for my brother's wedding reception. We arrive at the resort also time maghrib. The first feeling I got when I entered Kg Gajah's road was uneasiness.

    My husband had this feeling when he drove to the Rest house as well.

    I jadi malu sangat to my relatives coz she was crying and crying but I baca 3 KUL dan yakin Allah swt akan membantu.

    I know sometimes she can see things...she stares the front seat of the car (I sit at the back with her) and then sometimes smile...sometimes she cries macam kena usik.

    My advice is...BE STRONG. Sometimes when these things suka kacau (start playing slamming on my toilet door di rumah di Ampang) I get so mad I say "Aku tak jemput ko silalah keluar dengan cara baik"

    But not all the times these things are bad...some a good..I pernah kena sepak (terasa seperti) dan di jerit di telinga sebab tertidur di ruang tamu time nak masuk zohor :)

    Yakin pada Allah swt dear

  5. salam isabelle..

    alycia pun pernah ada pengalaman mcm ni.. dulu masa lepas pantang bwk adam blk rumah mmg dia selalu jer menangis... lepas tu, ibu a.k.a babysitter adam suggestkan kitaorg bwk adam pergi Darul Syifa' dekat Bangi (tempat Harun Din).. lepas ustaz tu tawarkan air dan bg adam minum, alhamdulilah smpai skrg dia dah elok..

    trylah.. kita hanya berikhtiar jer kan..

  6. tu la kan..susah nak identify samada tantrums or sawan tangis? tp ALiah x pernah ada sawan tangis, cuma pernah kena 'tegur' tu ada...kalau lalu highway magrib2.

    mcm last saturday,i takleh bergerak buat kerja sbb dia mcm takut i hilang..tu sbb i rasa insecure,takut i tinggal lagi gi kursus :(

  7. farah,
    drp anak nmpk antu, mamanye lak jd antu. hehehe

    insyaallah will try that n will vote4u.

    kak sitisifir,
    i suppose so. sawan tangis apa nye dah besar pjg ye tak?
    fuiyooo!10X ye? liatnye benda tu nak pegi.

    glad that u finally decide to surface ;) welcome.
    BTW, i was in kg gajah to attend a 2-week course. kali ni i xsure la benda pelik ke hapa ke, sbb tiap kali masuk umah, mmg dah baca doa supaya benda2 lain x ikut.
    anyway,thanks. ngeri gak i baca citer u.

    so far nmpk x critical lg. baru sekali 2. kalo teruk sgt, i try pegi sana.tq

    tu kan...skrg ni nak bkursus kena pikir pjg. kena bwk husband. xleh berenggang. dah la sbb dia asyik gayut kat 'bonbon' dia tu. hehehe.

  8. entry yg bagus especially bab surah2 tu

  9. my fren dearie.

    aku penah alami situasi camni. mmg tensen habis. i've read in, mmg ada certain stage anak2 kita akan mengalami situasi ni. mungkin disebabkan letih, bosan, lapar, perubahan sekeliling, perubahan emosi (esp bila dia nak dapat adik ker..) dsb.

    apa aku buat? bila anak dah tido, bacakan Al-Fatihah dan ayat Kursi sebanyak 3 kali, dan hembus di ubun-ubunnya. Kemudian, sambil pegang jari-jemarinya, cakaplah, "mama papa sayang kamu", "mama papa berdoa agar kamu menjadi anak yang baik, bijak, dan berjaya", dan kata2 semangat atau pujukan. Alhamdulillah, teknik ni menjadi. cuma perlu istikamah dlm mengamalkannya.

    selamat mencuba beb!

  10. Isabelle,
    x sure la benda ni applied to Adam ke idak... tp, masa my son still baby, dia slalu pesan kat i, kalau nampak ada urat kaler ijau between mata (atas batang idung gitu), dia suruh i usap area tuh. dia ckp, kalau ada urat ijau tu yang baby jadi nak nangis. i pun x paham apa connection urat ijau tu n nangis, tp, i notice la, kalau my son start je nak nangis2 x hengat tu, mesti ada urat tuh.. sambil2 i usap area tu, i baca la ayat2 sket.. n hembus ke ubun2.. wallahualam..

  11. yaya,
    a'ah..simpan doa tu. kot2 diperlukan pd masa tertentu.

    kaydora (the explorer),
    hye, babe! rindu la.
    wah..lps ni aku kena buat selalu la apa yg ko pesan tu.

    urat ijau? itu tanda2 dia nak jadi HULK tu. hehehe.i'll be more observant then. tq

  12. Anak sy pon ske nangis2..mostly of 2 reasons:
    1. masa dlm pantang dulu sbb dia selalu kembung..padahal tuam, bubuh minyak pakai barut..tapi still lak mmg pantang mkn no reason to kembung laa..
    turn out that, dia ade "angin kalenjar"..mcm angin pasang utk boys..

    2. 2nd lak pasal makhluk halus..dh beberapa kali refer to ustaz..kata nye my daughter ni special those makhlus halus ske menempek kat dia..that's why dia selalu nangis..even time siang..

    pasal doa2 and surah2 tu bagus pon nk try gak..

  13. oh, i baru baca this tak sempat nak bloghop selalu.i ada baca parenting book about kid at asrar's age (kira sama dengan adam la kan). memang for no reason, the kid akan throw tantrums..termasuklah small issue mcm bila kita suruh dia pakai kasut. tetiba boleh trigger his foot stomping dan guling sana sini.

    sama la dgn asrar now, tiba2 dia boleh ngamuk sampai guling sana sini tanpa sebab. tapi after i observed betui2..rupanya now dia nak buat everything by himself..dari preparing his milk (buka penutup botol, tin susu, cedok susu powder semua, etc) sampailah nak mandi sendiri (nak jirus sendiri, pakai sabun semua sendiri..). Bila i interfere, dia akan ngamuk..sigh..i just want to teach and help him :P

    so, adam may experience the same thing kot isabelle.

  14. mama qaseh,
    org ckp kalo benda2 mcm tu mmg suka budak2 bcoz they are 'sweet'.

    asrar nak menunjukkan ke'abang'an dia le tu. esok2 mesti dia sibuk nak jaga adik pulak.


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