When it comes to places for great food, there are four groups of people...
- Who tries a restaurant, find it NICE (good food, excellent service, reasonable price, great ambience) --> keep going to the same restaurant
- Who tries a restaurant, find it NICE --> prefer to try/explore other restaurants for variety
- Who tries a restaurant, find it LOUSY (x sedap, snail service, cekik-darah price) --> never ever step into the restaurant again
- Who tries a restaurant, find it LOUSY --> still go to the same restaurant (to give second chance)
Which category are u in?
MrHubby & I were once in the 4th category.
We went to this restaurant when it was 1st opened in the neighbourhood. The ambience was great, the price was ok, but the service was so damn slow...and the food was just so-so.

Another restaurant in the row was the Big Food.
(p/s: Big Food is in TTDI Jaya, Big Plate is somewhere near Monterez, heading toward Bukit Subang)

Another famous restaurant in the vicinity is Aimar Char Koay Teow. We went there bcoz it belongs to MrHubby's friends (saja nak support bisnes kawan).
Kawan, memang kawan...but honesty is the best policy :P
The Char koay teow does not resemble the real Penang Char Koay Teow. I know some people say it's nice, but hello...I'm a Penangite and I know the real char should taste waaaay tastier than Aimar's.
The second time we went there (saja bagi chance, kot-kot kebetulan masa 1st time dulu tak sedap), again... it was disappointing. In fact, when we ordered mushroom soup (the creamy one, of the Western menu), the waitress sent us sup cendawan (of the grey oyster mushroom type). Adoiyaiiii!!!! Nak marah pun ada, nak tergelak pun ada.
So, now we changed into the 3rd category.
Who tries a restaurant, find it NICE (good food, excellent service, reasonable price, great ambience) --> keep going to the same restaurant.
Confirm u won't get into the car, complaining about the poor service and tasteless pricey dishes.
The one that we always return to is Afnan Tomyam (near our old house, Bandar Bukit Raja).
We kinda had a contract there during my pregnant days, almost everyday makan kat situ... until the day before I delivered Lil Adam (buka puasa with my dear students).
One of those near our home now is D'Orange, Bukit Jelutong. The restaurant is full of antiques... and the abang waiter is so full of courtesy (very-the-sopan-one!). Hehehe.

When I went ther for dinner yesterday...the hanging ladles (used to decorate the wall) reminded me of Dr.Supiah's advice (I went to see her before the dinner for my meds and told her that I'm having my menses).
So, should I or should I not steal one of those ladles?
Eleh...when I was worried of being single, I have always wanted to steal somebody's sirih junjung (so that cepat dapat jodoh), tak curi pun...tapi kawin jugak!!! Hahaha