Friday, April 16, 2010

Mama is not Mami

Some kids call it Mak, some call it Ibu.
Ada yang panggil Bonda, Mommy, Ma, Emak (ada ke? skemanye!)...
Well, whatever u call it, it refers to the same person, the female parent who gave birth to u.

Before I delivered Lil Adam, I wanted him to call me Mama/Momma.
Why Mama?

The reasons for me not choosing other terms are listed below:

  • Ibu: That is a NO-NO! I think 'ibu' is too soft, and my character does not reflect the term 'ibu'

  • Bonda: I have a friend (Putri) who calls her mom 'Bonda.' Tapi keturunan Saripah gitu la, and to me the term is too formal and untuk golongan bangsawan jer..hihihi. Ada lagi ke bangsawan zaman IT nih?

  • Mak: I call my mom "Mak." And bcoz I don't wanna be like my Mak (garang x hengat!) , I don't want my kid(s) to call me the same. I think 'Mak' is conventional and it resembles the typical

  • Ma: Hehe... Aku yang anak Cina ni pun x pernah panggil mak aku tu "Ma...". Kensel.

  • And it is not mummy/mommy, bcoz it sounds like Mami.

'Mami' would remind me of the jajan Mamee...
or the embalmed, wrapped mummy...

atau lebih teruk lagi, people might think that I am a Mami (kena pulak sebab chek orang Penang!)
Justify FullAlaaa..set-set mami jarum yang gelang penuh lengan sampai nak bengkok siku pun x buleh tuuu! Hahaha

p/s: Aku pantang sangat kalo bila aku introduce diri as a Penangite, orang balas "O...anak mami la ni?"

My friend, Bidah told me that she never planned what endearment that she wanted her kids to address her. She simply came up with "Mak" bcoz that's how she called her late mom.

So, you guys... why did u choose Mama, Ibu or whatnot? Ada reasons jugak ke?


  1. mak ok gak. myself panggil my mum pun mak. senang.

  2. aku pilih mama sebab mcm manja je bile dgr anak panggil mama. And bile airyll hanya pandai cakap word mama & papa now, aku rase macam best gile.

    Bile dia sebut - mama.. mama.. - rase macam perasaan terbuai2 je. huhu

  3. i panggil mak kat mak i, tp utk diri sendiri i bahasakan ibu.. kenapa.. ? rasa mcm lembut n best je bila bahasakan diri sendiri ibu *perasan*
    tp, sampai hari ini, anak i panggil i bb (read: baby).. wpun dia sbenarnyer boleh panggil saya ibu.. jgn suatu hari nanti keluar bibik sudah la dari mulut dia!! haha..

  4. Kami pilih Mama-Papa sbb nk lari skit dari yg conventional cam mak-abah. If mommy-daddy plak cam elite sgt plak. Lagipon abah ngn ex-mak tiri saya dulu address themselves mommy-daddy dgn anak dorg. So..PANGKAH mommy daddy..hehehe

  5. Ibu ...
    Hehehehe ...
    Sebab ai panggil my mom ibu :)

  6. i choose mommy-daddy for the reason sbb ..erk...i dunno why, saje gedik je kot ekekeke *berangan bunyi mcm omputih sikit* walaupun hidung penyek je eheh

  7. ciklilyputih,
    oh tidak..aku tidak akan sekali2 menjadi MAK (like my mak).

    ye, setuju 101%. best kan?
    bunyi manja betul... *mode gedix*

    aiyo! kalo dia sebut bibik, harus la bibik tu tinggal sejemput je rambut, kena tarik dgn u.wakakaka

    apash, more mommy daddy. mesti berbulu je dgr.

    ibu...mak aiii..lembutnyaa!!!

    hehehe.bajet jadi orgputis ekkk? kuikuikui

  8. kah kah kah ..anak mami penang ka?
    lip lap lip lap anak mami...

  9. nk mummy tapi hsband tak dia ckp mama je now sara pn dh panggil sebut mama..tu yg suka tu..plg senang disebut..ibu soft sgt.i ni kasar gak.tak sesuaaai..kakaka

  10. anonymous,
    merelit u...hahaha.
    i'm glad i am not.

    sama le kita. ganaz2 nak jadi 'ibu' mende?

  11. panggil Ibu..sebab rasa sedap dan laind ari lain walaupun ii..bu ni adalah yg terlambat dia boleh sebut! tapi sekrg angin ape ntah,dok sibuk panggil i mama laak...maybe terpengaruh cerita TV kot?

  12. Aku lagi la songsang abih dengan jiwa aku!

    UMMI muahahah, bapak pulak ABBI.

    mmg tawaduk abis!

    kes abang aku ngn kakak ipar aku dok bahasakan diri depa umi ngn abbi utk anak derang..

    AKu pon masa main ngn anak depa terbiasa.. tu yg terikot tuh padahal aku ngn mak apak aku panggil..

    MAMA dan ABAH.

  13. me mama lah...obviously..nickname pun mama zharfan - rasa best jer panggilan mama, rasa sweet, myself call my mom 'Ma' ie shorform of mama ;)

  14. mama and baba
    i think cute... hehehe

  15. i called my mom, UMI..but its a no no for me to let my children(in future) to call me that..its only for my mom and thats it. well, i prefer Mama..just like u..maybe it resembles the Englishness of me..haha..sounds funny I know, but i want my kids to have an exposure of the language starting at the point they call their mom..

  16. u ttinggal satu lg.ummi..

    actually,i suke hubby i yg nak ala2 arab2, jadilah ummi n abi.haha

  17. hehe.. i panggil my mom mommy.. so arri n molly pun kene panggil i mommy... :D

    btw i pun sama la, sangat bengang tahap dewa bila orang tau i asal orata depa kata anak mami... orang utara esp png bukan semua anak mami kan..

  18. mommy and daddy....
    saje jek... ala2 western sket...hahahahaha... takdelah sebab ramai sgt yang in the family panggil mama, babah.... so tukar sket la bagi kelainan sket... actually mula2 nak panggil ummi and walid tapi bila pikir dah macam arabic sgtlah pulak.... erkkkk boleh ke cenggitu?????

  19. as for me, i call mak for my mom, mama for my MIL and idris has to call me mommy.

    tapi si idris ni jenuh i dok ajar tiap2 hari panggil mommy tapi dia still dok panggil bubu, bubu tak habis-habis. i guess bubu must be meant for ibu sebab bapak dia asyik dok cakap ibu-ibu...

    reason i nak anak2 panggil i mommy because i rasa mommy macam manja. tu je.

  20. anak2 panggil "mama". mula2 nak jugak guna "ummi" tapi hubby tak nak kena panggil "abi". arwah mak, kami panggil "ma" dan ayah "abah".

  21. salzahari,
    ibu tu terlalu keibuan utk i yg gonjeng ni.ngeee.

    seriusss?? ganaz lu beb.

    mama zharfan,
    agree. i pun perasan lembut panggilan mama tu.

    baba tu comel..mcm baa sheep...hehe

    ur englishness?whoa!!! x hengattt

    ummi salsabila,
    i tak lupa. sbb my sis suruh anak dia panggil umi. tapi sama la, i rasa terlalu 'suci' utk myself.hahah

    lady of leisure,
    tu la kan? sekali lagi org ckp i anak mami, i nak balas...
    "pungk*q hang!"
    hahaha.keji x?

  22. for my case plak.... nk pggl mama kang dah sama cam nenek die bunyi nyer. i ske ibu tapi daddy nyer ckp kang die kene jadi ayah. sound tak besh!! so ikut kan saja permintaan apak nyerr dari gue kene jadi ibukkkk muahahah

  23. This is my drop by due to the Tiger Blogfest 2010. Looking for some tiger story.

    Anyway just to share, I call my mom - mak, and my children call my wife - ibu.

    Take care and best regards.

    Your blog is no 44 of 115 of my Drop By Marathon.


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