Friday, April 9, 2010

1st meet-up

Those yang rajin blogwalking/bloghopping, maybe ada yang pernah nampak muka comel the girl next to Lil Adam...

Kenal tak sape tu?
That is Oyis' cute Lil Aisyah. Yes, the one from

So, yang kenal Oyis maybe tau that she was here in Malaysia for about 3weeks and this morning they headed back to Plymouth.

And as I am so into meeting new friends, we made an effort to see her (& family) at Bangi for the very first time. Ye la kan..kalo tak sekarang, harus kena tunggu 2,3 tahun lagi.

Kecik come lote je orangnye (as expected) and warm too!

So, sembang punya sembang..macam2 topik kuar. Ni si Oyis tengah bersemangat men-demo vacuum bag yang dia guna utk travelling. Hehehe.

Oyis cutting the Secret Recipe cake that her friend (Sheera) brought. (weh, betul ke aku eja nama nih?)

Yang tengah-tengah tu is Sheera

Mula-mula tu, I was thinking of bringing a cake or a dish, tapi sebab ingatkan dah malam sebelum bertolak balik, mesti tak sempat nak makan, I didn't. Heee... :P

Yang ni, gambar wajib untuk masuk blog. BTW, yang paling kiri is their insurance agent. Then, MrHubby, Oyis' Saiful, herself & Aisyah, yours truly and Lil Adam.

Hehehe...lepas makan kek manis, kena potong kaki! (gmbr kaki x kelihatan) :P

Aisyah ni kemain bulat aunty tengok dalam blog, sekali jumpa...kurus daaa. kat Mesia makanan x sedap ye?

And a farewell hug for Aunty Oyis from Lil Adam. Ooo.. nak ngorat Aisyah, pandai ko amik ati ye?

Hmm...I'm glad that MrHubby understands my excitement in making new friends that he always tries to make it happen whenever possible. TQ, Centa!

So, next in the list..err.. Fizamior la kot!
Cepat babe..bila nak jumpa? Macam le jauh benar tempat keje/rumah kita. I nak introduce anak bujang I dengan anak dara u pulak...Hehehe


  1. Belle..dah bermula sessi cari menantu ker? ekekekekke....rajin u meet-up blogger friends...

  2. hanz,
    hehe.kena start dah. kang esok2 adam nak masuk program realiti Cari Menantu, kot kantoi pulak org reveal mama dia mcm hantu :P

  3. wah.. kenape tak ajak i skali bile u meet up dgn dia... huhuhu.. nak jumpe gaks..

  4. u tak nak meet up with me ker isabelle ;) tp my kids both boys...tak leh jd menantu ehhehe

  5. so cute the both of them.dlu mse kcik my parents adala jugak kenal2kn konon bakal menantu la..ceh..bila dh besar x nk la..hahaha..

  6. wah, u dah jumpa oyis. i tak jumpa pun lg..entah bila akan turun ke plymouth.
    balik m'sia nanti, i pun nak jumpa adam gak. suka tengok dia, friendly with people. sejuk mata memandang :)

  7. haha pandai sangat adam amik hati bakal mak mentua..hahahahaha

  8. wah... u beat me to it la utk write up this entry. x pe la, kalo tggu i, ntah bila leh update sbb nya baru nak transfer gmbr2 je ni ha...

    i had a great time isabelle. dah kenal rumah ni nanti2 jgn segan dtg lg ye. smg ukhuwwah kita berpjgan :)

    ps: gmbr yg tunjuk vacuum storage bag tu sungguh2 mcm i buat MLM. heheh...

    azza & a wife,mother&employee:
    ada peluang nanti kita jumpa. i mmg suka bab2 berkenalan gini hehehe... (sorry is, cross posting kat sini plak :P)

  9. azzamoro,
    alaa...i ingat i sorg je yang excited nak jumpa org jauh. xpe, next time i nak jumpa blogger, i announce ye.kita buat rombongan che kiah.

    mama zharfan,
    buleh gak. x kisah lah boys pun...adam leh lawan ultraman dgn diorg.tapi bila ye?

    ye ke? hahaha. i ingat kita2 buat mcm tu selalu main2 je. parents u serius ekk?

    sure..why not? u blk nnt, bgtau ye.
    btw, standard la org dekat x jumpa..yg jauh gak yg jumpa.jiran umah sebelah pun kdg2 tserempak kat tmpt lain, bukan masa buka pintu pagar.

    aminnn...jgn serik pulak sembang dgn i ye? :P
    btw, lps storage bag tu kena hire u as their model la.kihkihkih

  10. owh babe!!!! jom! jom! jom! diriku jugek tak sabar... ekekekekeke.....
    i dah freeeeeee..... hikhikhik.... weekend ni boleh jugak... kalau tak saturay, sunday... either one, sbb me nak gi ikea weekend ni tp tak tau lg saturday or sunday...
    ngeeeeeeee... :D

    kwn2 lain jugek... JOM!!!!!

  11. isabelle- me balik msia march next year...kalau ada rezeki, me nak buat bday party my boys in april/may..nanti u dtg yer..boleh jumpa ;) me ingat nak jempaut jugak kwn2 dunia blogger yg kenal me (kenal di alam blogger ) ;)


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