Lihatlah donia.... lihatlah donia...
Hehehe. Thanks
CikLilyPutih, for the award.
soalan 1 : 3 names in your massage inbox,hp ke social profile ?
• aBang taMBiKai
• Env Salwa
• K.Ani tat nanas
soalan 2 : Your main Ringtone.
I Know U Want Me- Pitbull (lagu ni membuatkan aku gedix nak menari)
soalan 3 : What u did at 12 last night?
Qada tido sebab ngantuk giler the nite before melepak dgn students sampai 2pagi.
soalan 4 : Who was the last person you went out with? where?
Err..jap tadi, breakfast with DrWan, my boss. Kat kafe x sedap ni je.
soalan 5 : The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now.
Not a T-shirt, a dark brown knee-length dress.
soalan 6 : The last thing u did.
Texted the dinner committee (students).
soalan 7 : 3 of your everyday favorite items.
Blog, Astro, Food
soalan 8 : The color of your bedroom.
Err...Havent had it painted with my color. It's a mixture of colours. Aku pun x faham apa ke teruk benau taste tuan umah lama. Sib baek masa Jovian Mandagie datang tengok bilik aritu dia tak kutuk. Haha
soalan 9 : How much money in your wallet now?
RM1238.45, plus 1000 won (Korea), plus AUD50, plus RM5 duit lama.
soalan 10 : How's life?
Rollercoaster. Happy when everything flows smoothly, down when stressed with problems.
soalan 11 : your favorite song..
Sentimental when I am calm & mushy, fast beat when I feel like swaying.
soalan 12 : What will you do next weekend?
Balik Endau. Yay! Makan fresh seafood! I love crabs...

soalan 13 : When was the last time you saw your mum.
Err..err.. I am not the anak-mak type. That'd be last Raya Aji about 5mths ago.
soalan 14 : where is she now?
Tempat keje kot. Or prolly on her way.
soalan 15 : when was the last time you talked to your parent?
Err..Last Saturday. Tersilap dail, so he returned my missed call.
soalan 16 : Who is the last person that talked with you last night?
MrHubby la. Sape lagi?
soalan 17 : where did you have dinner last night?
Home, buka puasa dengan mata mengantuk.
soalan 18 : The last surprise you got.
Surprise? Angkut banyak hadiah balik dari dinner kot. Hahaha. It's a real surprise tau...when u least expecting it.
soalan 19 : Last thing you borrowed from your friend.
Duit, from MrHubby to pay for the cake, bcoz I havent withdrawn mine. MrHubby kira friend la jugak kan?
soalan 20 : Who is your bf/gf or husband/wife?
MrHubby la a.k.a Sham a.k.a SAM.
soalan 21 : what do you feel now?
Great! Tapi stressed bila terfikir keje yang lum siap. Hehe
soalan 22 : wanna share with who?
Share with someone yang thoughtful & x kedekut.
soalan 23 : who knows your secret?
The deepest secret lies in me.
soalan 24 : they keep your secret?
They better do. The not-so-deep ones la.
soalan 25 : Are you angry with someone?
soalan 26 : what do you order at McD?
I love quarter pounder, but I tend to order something else. I loike the apple pies too!
soalan 27 : The last time you felt so sad..
Ermm... when I read Watie Qarissa's entry about the love of the mama birds.
soalan 28 : mahu tag?
Wahahaha...mesti la. I'm gonna tag...
- aPash
- Mamatisya
- Mamapasha
- Lea Shmea
- Momma Mia
- lady of Leisure
- Drama Mama
- Reitak
- Munira
dan kawan2 yang rajin buat tag.