Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Birthday treasure hunt

MrHubby has always failed in making surprises for me. Birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day or whatever celebration... I could guess the best things that he might have prepared for me. But this time, I was wrong!!!

As the clock struck 12 (of the 26th Feb), he woke me up with an MMS...of this pix. Maka, tengah malam buta, aku kena ber-treasure hunt!!!

Tapi, cinta punya pasal...aku pun men'chargas'kan diri mencari tempat tersoroknya lilies tu (based on MMS je).

There I got it!
Patut la lepas dia tengok aku letak pillow cases kat guest room tu, dia dok sibuk tanya "Mama masuk bilik tu tadi buka mata ke tutup mata?"

So, I jumped onto the bed and got another MMS of this pix...
Dalam mamai-mamai tu, I managed to find the card from Lil Adam. It was beautifully and cheekily written.

So, I thought that was all..bunga dah dapat, kad dah dapat, tido la. Sekali... tet-tet...(MMS masuk lagi).

That one was...
So, again...I jumped outta the bed, got it in the cabinet kat family area. (Patut la aritu MrHubby semangat mengemas kat situ!)

It contained a pair of red Sachs slippers, katanya dari duit tabung Adam. So, I thought...Tak kisahlah..he might have spent a lot for the lilies. (dalam hati, macam nak sentap.."Yang ni je ke?") Hahaha.

Elok dah nak tido balik, came another MMS...

Again, I went to the other room, to find the card. Nasib baek aku nih jenis observant katne ada buku Karangkraf tu.

That card was from him... A very lovely one!

So, after the flower, cards from Lil Adam & himself and a present... I was back in the bed. Ye la kan... melampau la nak expect hadiah lagi.

MMS lagi. And it's a similar box..in the drawer of my wardrobe.

MrHubby went to the bathroom for a while and I sneaked in the dark to check the drawer, but there was none. Ler...mana pulak nie? Ni mesti dia saja nak mendajal nih.

As he came outta the bathroom, he asked with a grin "Mama cari apa? Nak tengok VCD Ultraman ke malam-malam?"

Dan dengan kontrol macho (sebab xnak nampak ketaq mencari hadiah yang disorok), I answered "Eh, takdelah..Mama nak tengok Word World (the VCD)" :P

Tapi sebab dia tau aku tipu, he said "Dah check bawah CD tu?"

Maka dengan sepantas Ben Johnson berlari ke garisan penamat...aku pun buka balik drawer tu.

In the box is a Sachs purse! Hehehe. Sama ler mcm slippers tu. I loike! Agaknye sebab my purse tu pun dah nampak uzur syarie, walaupun still in good condition.

So, after gedix-gedix transfer isi perut purse, sempat la aku mumbled konon-konon "Nanti tak matching pulak dengan handbag." (ayat nak pancing konon).

Masa tu la jugak, Lil Adam terjaga so I had to lie down to give him the bon-bon. Dalam masa takleh bergerak tu la (sebab nak tidurkan Adam), another MMS was sent.

This time....

Arghhhh...cepat la tido, Adam oiii.

And MrHubby was in his evil grin, knowing that I just couldn't wait to look in the luggage. Hahaha. Sib baik Lil Adam cepat terlena.

Guess what???

The handbag that matches the purse ;) Thanks, lalinggg.

He didn't buy the Guess bag I once showed him sebab dah abis design yang I nak tu.

So, that was the birthday-midnite-treasure hunt. Yang lebih mengharukan, rupanya MrHubby siap ambil cuti to prepare all those (sampai kena pegi 4 shopping malls) dan pinjam keta kawan dia untuk uruskan semua tu.

Isn't that sweet?


  1. teramat2 sweet...so jeles...

    tumpang happy for u..

  2. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetnyer...
    sonot tol...bgus la idea dia...
    so romantic...

    so kali ni u kalah la kan..hahah..anyway..HAPPY BELATED BUFDAY!!!!

  4. woww he went to such great extent! so sweet hehe. ur so lucky dear. happy for u! :)

  5. hahaha.. malam2 kena treasure hunt la pulak. nasib baik tengah2 mamai tu tak terhantuk ke apa kan. cantik handbag n purse tu.. pandai dia pilih :)

  6. wah.. ini betul2 treasure hunt nih.. nasib baik dalam umah je... :P

    dah lama tak ber treasure hunt gini.. :P

  7. waaa.. so sweeett.. n handbag itu cantik!!!

  8. Bestnyer Belle...lucky U! Harusku hint2 hubby buat cenggini this year!
    Besday dia u pun kena buat something spesel nih..wink!;p

  9. apash,
    mana tau sok2 ur hubs pulak buat mcm tu ke.

    apo ekau tulih tu?

    yes, i never tot he could be so creative.

    part notty tu mmg confirm la. haha, but this time, he really made the surprise well.

    lea shmea,
    ya, i pun x sangka. excited la dia kali ni berjaya surprisekan i.

    dia mmg tau i suka Sachs. dah pegi 4 tempat mencari, baru jumpa.
    kalo terantuk, abis spoil mood :P

    mlm2 mengantuk tu treasure hunt, mmg lain drp biasa.

    hehe.maka skrg i ber-henbeg baru yg match dgn purse la...

    yeahh..hint!!!jgn tak hint.

  10. wah...wah...wah...sweetnya! jeles maak...

  11. Firstly wish u Happy Birthday Semoga Sihat Sejahtera & Bahagia Selalu Amin....
    Treasure Hunt... Sungguh creative & Sungguh tak sangak kan kan.... so sweet :)

  12. That was sweeeeettttt.....

    Wish both of u lots of love for the coming years ahead...

    By the way, Happy 30th Birthday!

  13. Sangat - sangat manesssssssss ...
    I loike ...
    Cakap ngan che hubbymu - Bravo !!

    Hmmmm ... patutkah diriku ini tunjuk entrymu kepada che abangku ytc itu sebagai panduan cara2 utk buat surprise kepada isteri yang sungguh berkesan??

    Keh keh keh keh keh keh ...

  14. owh! so so sweet!!!!
    he's so sweet isabelle... lucky u...tp tak tahan betul tgk u treasure hunt mlm2 tuh... kihkihkih....konpem hati bermunge-munge kan?wahahaha!!!

  15. sweeeeeeeeeeeet sgt2. i baca sambil sengih2x hehe

  16. waaaaaaaaah uncle shah so sweeeet!!

  17. sweetnye,so thoughtful...susah nk cri hubby cmtu

  18. sweet giler! where did u find him?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Awwwwwwwwww that is just so sweet!! I bet you can't stop smiling from ear to ear since then hehe

    Anyhu, Happy Belated Birthday, Isabelle!

    p/s: Nice knowing you too! ;)

  21. la..ropa2nya henbeg yg aku puji akan ke'vogue'annya tu adiah besday abg sham;) tahniah utk abg ipaq aku + tahniah kat kakak aku sbb bjaya bg hint;P

  22. sweeeet sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt...
    anak beranak berpakat tuh.hehe

  23. salzahari,
    i lagi jeles bila terkenang u dah start penat2, nak mkn masam2...haha

    siti fatimah,
    thanks for the doa.

    kay dee,
    thanks, dear. awak bila lagi?

    ya...adalah menjadi satu kemestian utk hint. buat2 la cerita ttg what happened...mana tau dia faham ke.

    ye...hati berbunga2. mcm u la masa dpt hadiah rantai tu. wpun dlm hati u "laa..nape bukan white gold?". sama le i pun.kweng3x.

    yatie chomel,
    i tgh membayangkan u sengih sorg2 dpn laptop tu.hehe. skrg u cuba bygkan i dlm ngantuk2 serabai tu tergedik2 dpt hadiah:P

    he really is. btw, kartu birthday aku sama dgn punya kamu yg abg kasi last year tau? ;)

    my hubby wasnt that romantic before. tapi setelah i train (mcm army pulak!), maka itulah hasilnya...

    tergelak i baca bila u tanya where did i find him.

    kambing bujang,
    i am just a lucky girl!

    aida ikmal,
    yes, walaupun muka serabai mlm2 buta tu...sengih smpi telinga!!!

    haha.aku ingat hang dah tau.

    lin muhamad,
    tu la kan, ntah2 dia pakat suruh adam buat2 bangun cari bon2, sbb nak tengok i ketaq x sabar nak cari hadiah last tuh.

  24. Sorry terlambat...Happy Belated Birthday!

    My hubby so sweet! :)


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