If last month I tried venturing into cake decorating with butter cream (read--> here), this month I managed to squeeze in between the hecticnschedule to try playing with sugarpaste fondant!
My partner is still Diah @ MamaPasha... and this project is absolutely on Lil' Cikebum's fav--- Thomas the Tank Engine that is!
My partner is still Diah @ MamaPasha... and this project is absolutely on Lil' Cikebum's fav--- Thomas the Tank Engine that is!
This is her delectable steamed chocolate cake.
Thomas' face. Not bad, ay?
But looks like Thomas needs botox to diminish the wrinkles :P
Actually, the first try turned out to be similar (terlupa nak snap gambar)... but I wasn't so sure. So as usual, I asked the expert--my Cikebum la (who else?) and he said "Thomas!".
Actually, the first try turned out to be similar (terlupa nak snap gambar)... but I wasn't so sure. So as usual, I asked the expert--my Cikebum la (who else?) and he said "Thomas!".
And I was indeed smiling ear to ear :)
After about an hour of colouring, kneading and shaping....Tadaaa!!!
My Thomas fondant cake.
Err...don't u think he needs a facelift? :P
Lil' Cikebum admiring the Thomas. He doesnt have a clue that it's a cake, I reckon.
"Hello, Pa. Ini kue nya udah jadi ni... Is bikin Thomas. Kalau aku yang bikin Thomas nya, ntar jadi Barney..."
Hmm...I think this 1st attempt is just satisfactory. So, gotta come up with Plan B for Cikebum's birthday.
hayooo... ngata-in g yah!!! jitak lu!!! yuk coba teknik gambar thomas yg lainnya... pake butter cream di gambarin di atas plastic di sejuk-in baru tampal atas cake.. cuba on cuppies dulu lah.. jom..
ReplyDeleteso sweet!i think klu thomas tu mkn collagen pun shud b okeh!hiks
ReplyDeletemama pasha,
ReplyDeleteyuk...tapi kapan ya?
aku this wk bz giler. next wk udah start kuliah :(
hahaha. ye, betul.collagen should work on him!:P hahaha
wah.. maks sangat kagum okies~
ReplyDeleterajinnye buat kek beraneka rupa hehehe
ReplyDeletesonoknnya bljr buat kek..ada kwn best kan? tak le buat sgt..dan membazir bhn.
ReplyDeleteso next time u jadi my partner?
comey jugakkan buat kek camni..
ReplyDeleteishh kalau yan tak dapekla..
tak berseni langsung...
comey jugakkan buat kek camni..
ReplyDeleteishh kalau yan tak dapekla..
tak berseni langsung...
ReplyDeleteni yg makin byk oksigen mak nak sedut ni. hahaha (besar lak lobang ngidungku).kihkih
i pun kebetulan sbb mamapasha dekat. i kenal husband dia sbnrnya. tapi i malu2 tenuk nak approach dia.haha.
sekali dah clique, apa lagi...
u katne, salzahari? kalo dkt2 syok gak buat keje merapu2 ni :P
xpe. selekeh pun xpe, yg penting sentuhan tersendiri. hahaha.
kesian cikebum tpaksa ngadap kek mama sbb mama syok sendiri.
rajinnya u isabelle..demi utk adam tu.i rasa this year tak boleh le nak buat sendiri..macam xlarat je, now pun dah start sesak sana sini :P