That day, Intan (my SIL) heard Lil Cikebum saying..."Ai-lah pi... Ai-lah pi..."
Confused, she asked..."What did he say?"
I smiled and asked back..."What do u reckon?"
Intan : Ayah Pin? I doubt he's saying Ayah Pin!!!
Me : Hahaha....he's saying I love u la....

I love you, you love me
We're happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
I love you, you love me
We're best friends like friends should be
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
Whatever, little munchkin... Ai-lah pi too... :)
But next time I need to double check..bcoz nowadays he is so fond of Totoman (Ultraman) too. If he sees the above pix, he might think UltraPin is also a hero. Aiyarkkk!!!
But next time I need to double check..bcoz nowadays he is so fond of Totoman (Ultraman) too. If he sees the above pix, he might think UltraPin is also a hero. Aiyarkkk!!!
hahhaa..lawaknya u letak gmbr org tua tu kat Ultramana! hahahha..
ReplyDelete* mana winenr Daddy Dearest? hee..
hahaha. tu la. tak pasal2 ada gmbr ayah pin dlm my blog.
ReplyDeletenanti ye...tgh tunggu feedback drp juri2 professional.
isabelle, my lil nazeef pon ske lagu tu. i baru jek post pasal lagu tu kat blog through entry ni...;p
hehe.. oja panggil ultraman.. 'Amen'...
ReplyDeleteiloveu.. dia ckp 'aii uuuu'...
kah kah kah...nanti kalau adam baca..sure dia gelak guling2.
ReplyDelete"apa la makngah ni? i lap pi la...bukan ayah pin"
dah la suka totomen...totomen...
mommy nazeef,
ReplyDeletexpasal2 mak2 pulak kena menyanyi kan?? my hubby said, sejak jadi mak ni, mcm2 lagu i dah nyanyi utk si kenit tu.
semua kartun kat ceria, dia dah kenal....thomas, jay jay, jim jam, roary, postman pat, backkom...
tapi totomen ni, rasa2nya dia turun minat pakngah dia kot.
hiks..comey! ai la pi!
ReplyDeletetu lagu fav yaeesh masa dulu skang ni sume lagu ultraman dia belasah.. no more barney..uwargghh!
ReplyDeletei have decided not to expose him too much to totomen yet, bcoz it's a long way to go. byk tahun lagi dia leh main totomen.
skrg kena layan thomas, barney & cute cartoons... sbb once dah layan totomen, wassalam la yg lain2 tu.
yet still he has few totomen's figurines. yg tengok kat tv tu...dia sendiri yg terkagum masa mula2 tgk totomen. hahaha