Bz? Not really.
Lazy? Oh...maybe.
Now I am upset with my G900.
The touch screen is malfunctioning.
It really disappoints me bcoz it hasn't been a year, and this is my first time switching to Sony E. Kononnya trying a fresh air la, aside from the usual Nokia that I have trusted for so long. So, now... I more Sony E, esp the one with touch screen- which was supposed to be sorta a PDA to the forgetful me.

Well, today is the 4th day of the holy month. Most of my blogger frens have posted at least an entry about their fasting stories.
Yet, this is my first entry.
I hope it's not too late for me to apologize from all of u readers for any wrongdoings I commit intentionally or unintentionally.
Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury (to the heart). And Allah is Rich (Free of all wants) and He is Most-Forbearing.

Well, today is the 4th day of the holy month. Most of my blogger frens have posted at least an entry about their fasting stories.
Yet, this is my first entry.
I hope it's not too late for me to apologize from all of u readers for any wrongdoings I commit intentionally or unintentionally.
Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury (to the heart). And Allah is Rich (Free of all wants) and He is Most-Forbearing.
(Al Baqarah : 263)
My mind is not calm at the moment.
1. I unintentionally hurt a friend's feeling last Friday just bcoz I was trying to be attentive in a meeting (bcoz the 'mak tiri' wanted us to take the minute of the meeting). I apologized but apparently it didn't work. Perhaps the hole I made in her heart is too big. Err... xkan kena 'kiss and make up' pulak kot?
To her (if u read this), I admit I was wrong. Please forgive me and don't let this ruin our friendship (sob..sob)
2. The hp is giving me a headache. I can't wait to go back to Penang this weekend, will get myself a Nokia.
3. I am uncertain about my menstrual/istihadah cycle. It is killing me bcoz now it's the fasting month, some more bcoz I think it's about time for Adam to have a sister (or brother).
Oh... I have been thinking too much.
And I hate this feeling! :'(

I need a huggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!! :(
1. I unintentionally hurt a friend's feeling last Friday just bcoz I was trying to be attentive in a meeting (bcoz the 'mak tiri' wanted us to take the minute of the meeting). I apologized but apparently it didn't work. Perhaps the hole I made in her heart is too big. Err... xkan kena 'kiss and make up' pulak kot?
To her (if u read this), I admit I was wrong. Please forgive me and don't let this ruin our friendship (sob..sob)
2. The hp is giving me a headache. I can't wait to go back to Penang this weekend, will get myself a Nokia.
3. I am uncertain about my menstrual/istihadah cycle. It is killing me bcoz now it's the fasting month, some more bcoz I think it's about time for Adam to have a sister (or brother).
Oh... I have been thinking too much.
And I hate this feeling! :'(

I need a huggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!! :(
hey is, be calm and be patient...
ReplyDeleteyes, u should buy a nokia. i still remember during PTK bila pointer sony u tu terjatuh and cari2 tak jumpa... adoi... headache kan???
take care ek.
*big hugs*
so far we can trust with nokia.. peneman hidupku selama ini..others ok but not as good as nokia..
ReplyDeleteOh ya, nak tahu pasal penemuan Antivirus H1N1..meh tengok kat
Ikan Pekasam Tasik Raban RM30 tuk 5bungkus termasuk pos..meh order
malas berblog ye? hehehe.. pernah juga rasa macam tu... tapi, gigih juga nak buat entry walaupun malas dan tak ada mood.. biasanya kalau jadi macam tu, publish draft yang lama2.. :P err, berblog pun salah satu terapi minda juga... hehehe..
ReplyDeletehmm, jangan fikir sangat tentang menstrual cycle tu.. kalau fikir2 sangat, boleh beri kesan juga pada cycle...
bab telefon, saya pulak lebih suka sony ericsson berbanding nokia.. tapi apa2 pun, memang tak berkenan yang guna touch pad.. sebab hubby punya touch pad dah retak dek darwisy.. langsung tak leh guna.. huhuhu
err, panjang sungguh komen daku kali ni...
cheer! :D
meh i peluk skit..i pernah pakai gak touchscreen hp dulu..mmg senang rosakla..
ReplyDeleteif it makes u feel any better, i pon x berblog sejak 2 hari sblm ramadhan. teramat bz. suntuk sgt la rasa masa tu (tp ada plak masa jengah blog member2 :P)
ReplyDeleten i'm having a crappy day too. sucks kan? smg esok will be better for the both of us. take care...*hugs*
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggg huuuuggggg... :*
ReplyDeletewarm hugs to my sister..
ileks..dun think too much..
nabi pon amponkan umat..hohoho..
u're getting a new hp for raya!yay!
hormonal regulation affects ur menstrual up ur mind..
everytin's gonna b orait:)
bigggg huggg 4 mama...
ReplyDeleteadik ipar nak bagi hadiah bday hphone kat abg ipar ka? ok gak tu, hang belikan utk alg hang ya...
luv u centa..
kay dora,
ReplyDeletehey mate. thanks for the advice & hugs. yes, aritu bagai nak gila cari pointer, rupa2nya jatuh kat umah x sedar.haha
ada antivirus?ini sudah bagus. tasik raban? baru je lalu situ masa camping kat lawin baru2 ni.
betul tu.selalu is blogging, rasa release stress. tapi kali ni nak blogging pun xde mood.camna nak hilang stress tu? haha.
anw, nmpk gaya this year xde chance la posa penuh mcm last yr.
thanks for the hugs! :)
yes, i do think so. touch screen ni fragile kot.
sama le kita. malas2 blogging, tapi blog kwn2 mesti jenguk gak.
hope today is a better day for all of us.
bear hugs are always the best.err...i mean from u, bukan abg berrybear ye.hahaha
aku takut dpt ayat "hang ingat aku ampun dosa hang?"
hahaha.sounds familiar ehhh?
tq yone.hang nak beli hp RM1500 kat aku ekk? hang la adik aku donia akhirat.
*big hug 2u2*
mari kita kikis dik yone. kalo dia x bagi, kita letak video yg mak dpt hadiah dia tu kat youtube.
hahaha (gelak jahat)
cheer up babe!
ReplyDeletei pun period tunggang langgang sebelum puasa hari tu..mmg target dan doa supaya berjaya conceive thn ni.. insyallah, antara kita (u, i and yaya)adalah tu nanti! sabar.....sabar
ReplyDeletethanks dear. i am happy today...
will post an entry later ;)
jangan la sedih2 takde mood, ingat adam aku, eh silap ingat adam ko mesti senyum gembira...
ReplyDeletemeh meh..come to momma.. hehe
ReplyDeletei pun nak hp baru ahhh
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah...arini dah ok skit.
cepat wei yaya. kita lumba dgn salzahari..sapa conceive dulu. hahaha
harus la kena buat2 bagi hp rosak. kihkihkih
ReplyDeletehope all works out well...
dun worry bout ur cycle...when it just started after a long hiatus, mmg kelam kabut la..not stable yet..take it easy..
ReplyDeletea soothing hug blew the problems away.thanks.