I finished the Industrial Training thingy about an hour ago, so here I am... trying to scribble something for the day.
Well, despite the busy day... I accompanied my boss to meet a Kuwaiti, Dr Fatma at the Secret Recipe. Just some semi-formal stuff, about producing a book on Waste Management.
Okay, let's take a break by having fun with this survey.
4 Jobs I Would Stink At:-1. Childminder. Simple...bcoz I just don't have the patience. My little boy is an exception. I couldn't imagine if I have three or more growing up kids at once.
2. Witness in the court - i have an oblivious memory, both short term and long term. So far, it hasn't put me in dire situations, but at least I had to remain calm when I realize things are going haywired. Teehee :P
3. Athlete- I am just born unathletic (refuse to use the word 'loser'). Chettt! Call me sniffy, call me supercilious. I just don't wanna lose, so I'd rather take part in something that I am pretty sure I can fairly do.
4. Chef de Missione - due to my blunt tastebuds, I am just hopeless to be a chef. As I told in
my previous entry on Sagu. Anyway, this doesn't mean I'm not a good cook!

4 nicknames I'd give myself:-1. MamaBear - a skinny one, that is. Apparently I'm not fair enough to be a SNOWybear.

2. Volcano - unexpectedly erupt at any time. Be my guest at your own peril.
3. Creamy, sugary donuts - Guess why?!
4. Notty - obviously, bcoz I'm one.
4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:-1. Puteri Gunung Ledang - Beautiful scripts and costumes, I just love the epic.
2. The Terminal - Tom Hanks made me cry every time I watch the scene when a big guy overtake the carts he collected.
3. The Green Mile - why am I so into this guy's acting? Perhaps it's him who made the movie a good one.
4. Ayat-ayat Cinta - a beautifully written sweet conflict of the real life.
4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I pass out:-1. Maldives. I hope by then, it's still as beautiful as it is today.

2. Story Bridge/Mt Coottha/Great Court BNE - to reminisce the sweet moments. And ahh... Snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef too!
3. Korea, to chill out with Kelly. Hey Rebecca, come join us!
4. Makkah Al-Mukarramah
4 Things I Love To Do On Weekends:-1. Being massaged and fall asleep in the air-cond room, with drizzle outside.

2. Eating without having to worry about cholesterol.
3. Retail therapy.
4. Be the couch potato. How I wish they have Desperate Housewives marathon every week!
4 celebrities I would go on a Big Date with:-
1. Anuar oh-my-oh-my Zain - I'd go ga-ga when I meet him.(drool! drool!)
2. Err..sape adik Ziana Zain tu? Will u sing to me on the date?
3. Again, Anuar Zain, coz he's the hunk of the century! (iyolah tu)

4. Ok la, give it a break. Maybe Damon Wayans - is he as crazee as Michael Kyle?
4 objects I could not live without:-1. Foodie and foodie
2. My mobile phone
3. Anti-perspirant spray
4. 2-way-cake & a dash of red colour on my lips
4 gadgets I do not have which I would quite like to have:-1. Unlimited supplementary credit cards. Uh-oh! Isn't it a gadget? :P
2. Robomaid - the robot that doesn't need my instructions to clean the house and never break down
3. Magic solutions to treat the fine lines and make me flawless
4. Tell-me-everything machine - that will give answer to whatever confusion I have. Eh, have they invented any?
What about u, guys? Let's share with me.