Last Sunday, we attended a birthday party of
Reitak's AIR2 at Taman Connaught's McD.

We were considered early, so sembang-sembang dulu...

A small pressie from Lil Adam & Lil Adib...

for the Sleeping Beauty... (the birthday girl).

Gambar wajib para bloggers. Hehehe
Guess what? Semua babies/kids dalam gambar ni nama diorang start with the letter A.

Unfortunately, Dancing Ciken couldn't make it...
Fong with her chubby boy. Gerrrrrrammmm...

Haaa..birthday girl dah bangun tido!!!

My 3 boys in the birthday hats

And Yay!!! Happy birthday to Alvina.....

Happy birthday to u..... (harus nanti Lil Adib's birthday, Lil adam yang tologn blow the candles jugak).

Lil Adam 'smiling' (is that smiling?) at AIR1, the photographer-wannabe.

Lil Adib is excited to play with the balloon given by Reitak's mom.


Seeing AIR1 blowing his never-big balloon, teringat zaman tadika dulu. Yes, I was 6 by then but still tak pandai tiup belon. Hahaha.

My cheeky boy showing the puzzle he completed without a pen.

We stayed until the cake tinggal separuh. Hehehe

Cuba try test dukung babygirl. Nanti kalo teringin lagi, I pi curi senduk rumah u ye?

Tengok ni... sampai nak balik, Lil Adam kemain sakan main dengan AIR1.

To Reitak,
Thanks for having us :)