Monday, March 21, 2011

Proposal on the Hot Air Balloon

As planned, last Saturday morning (subuh sepi'ee lagi), we made a move from home to Putrajaya, to the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Luckily MrHubby was well-informed of the schedule, otherwise we could have been the Lebai Malangs :P

Arrived there just in time, one or two balloons baru nak take off... the rest baru dok blow hot air.

Flaming hot. Eh, sounds like the peri-peri Nando's chicken pulak.

I tot the Rose resembles England, but actually it's the American's balloon!

The day before (Friday), MrHubby managed to witness this romantic proposal of this couple.

When the balloon was only few meters above the ground, their friends opened this banner...

I assume the answer from the girl is 'Yes' la. Kalo dia kata 'No', prlly dah masuk paper pasal Kenzo tu terjun dari belon tu... Hehehe

Giler ahhh romantic.
Oh ok..sedikit bias di situ. It's bcoz I have always wanted to ride the hot air balloon. But with the limit of 300 people per day, and it will only bring u up in the air (not moving from one place to another)... forget it lah!

Lain le kalo aku artis... Macam Aizat nih....
Mesti dia senang dapat tiket kan?


This tree balloon looks like the one in Disney's fairy tales. Siap ada parrot & toucan... comel.

Yang ni ada gambar gajah...

I loike the blue balloon that looks like floating upside down!

And ta-daaa.... everybody cheered upon seeing this Darth Vader balloon. Lil Adam called it "momok balloon."

Zeppelin- the one from Malaysia.

There's also a clown balloon. This side shows the smiling face.

And they saved the best for the last..... with the Doraemon song played in the air.

Yours truly? Mesti nak enterframe jugak sekali. Hahaha...

Thanks, Centa... for taking me there. Dah 2tahun kempunan nak tengok. Next time, bawak naik pulak ye? Hehehehe


  1. masa i smpai, tinggal 2 bijik belon jer terbang..huhu

  2. bestnya, huda pergi sunday evening. alahai dah la hujan. jem cam nak mati.. siap masuk semak tuk tgk belon ni..ayak

  3. me..?? ahahahah tak sampai sampai pun kat sana.. awat tak habaq awai awai cek oi.. ehheeh tak dapat nak p jenjalan gk hot air ballon nih.. rugi rugi rugi...

  4. adoi!!! romantiknya propose camtu ekkk! sukaaa!

  5. Wah, lepas gak hajat nak tgk hot air ballon ^_^. I tak gi pon, balik kampung.

  6. Sudah bertahun kempunan nak g. Kali ni cuci mata tgk gmbr ko plak. Uhuk.

  7. gi sekali je dah la tahun lepas...
    ada satu je belon, tu pun jenuh memujuk darwisy yang meraung nak naik belon... huhu

  8. giler kotttt.. suh depa wat penang pulak la! eh kak, tak panas ke ek? dgn bahang api segala?

  9. knur dah puas tengok Hot Air Balloon mas kat Hamilton, NZ. Jd bila ajak hubby, dia cakap buat apa sbb tiap2 thn dah pergi tengok masa kat sana. kita nak rasa mcm mana yg kat Msia pulak.

  10. isabelle:

    tahun ni i tak dapat nak pegi.. tapi tengok gambar u cam tak banyak beza dengan last year punya so tak kempunan sangat la hiksss

    transformed housewife:

    u dulu kat hamilton ke? nice place :) i kat welly hehe

  11. next time aku pergi ngan korang jerr lah.. tinggalkan abang tido kat umah.. :P naik naik huhuuu...

  12. Hi dear :)
    alahhhhh awat tak habak! i pon kat situ gak on saturday morning kalau x leh jumpa laga2 pipi kan :D entry ballon pon i br nak upload mlm kang teruk i kan....hihihi


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