I just came back from taking a test with 2 friends. Lepas test, kitorang gi makan kat Secret Recipe sambil masing-masing bercerita tentang life at home, as a wife & a mother.
One of them has a very protective and possessive husband, which I'd say... aku kurang suka la kalo terlampau berkepit sangat. Kejap-kejap check wife katne, dengan siapa.
Dont get me wrong. They have a very happy life, with 3 kids. But the husband is very busy, asyik outstation sana-sini... sampaikan the wife didn't have enough time to prepare for the test. Ye la..nak uruskan anak-anak lagi, kemaskan rumah lagi, masak lagi...
The other friend pulak... the husband is a busy type. Balik umah, hadap komputer. Anak (walaupun baru sorang) nak bermanja pun asyik kena hala ke mak nye (my friend la). She too, complained that she couldn't concentrate on the preparation for the test.
This is not to bitch about others. I'm just sharing...bcoz somehow it opened my eyes...

How lucky I am to have such a good husband.
Dear Centa,
Thanks for your understanding... and for your love.
Bukan mudah mendidik anak seorang diri.
Bukan mudah seorang isteri tanpa suami.
Terima kasih kerana membimbing Sayang dalam hidup.
Kalau apa yang aku buat terserlah kebenarannya, setujulah dia.
Tapi kalau salah, tetap salah... tapi halus benar kiasannya.
One of them has a very protective and possessive husband, which I'd say... aku kurang suka la kalo terlampau berkepit sangat. Kejap-kejap check wife katne, dengan siapa.
Dont get me wrong. They have a very happy life, with 3 kids. But the husband is very busy, asyik outstation sana-sini... sampaikan the wife didn't have enough time to prepare for the test. Ye la..nak uruskan anak-anak lagi, kemaskan rumah lagi, masak lagi...
The other friend pulak... the husband is a busy type. Balik umah, hadap komputer. Anak (walaupun baru sorang) nak bermanja pun asyik kena hala ke mak nye (my friend la). She too, complained that she couldn't concentrate on the preparation for the test.
This is not to bitch about others. I'm just sharing...bcoz somehow it opened my eyes...
How lucky I am to have such a good husband.
- When I was busy preparing myself with the test, (or the once-every-semester marking the exam scripts), he'd make sure I am not burdened with the kids.
- He trusts me... walaupun aku ada keluar dengan male friends... Pernah gak tak bagitau dia, but one thing for sure- he rarely argues.
- Bcoz he also has his time-with-friends, at least he did offer if I wanna hang out with my friends (aku je yang jarang buat, sebab tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan anak).
- And of course he helps me with the housechores too. Cuci/sidai baju... basuh pinggan, kadang-kadang sapu/mop... Jadik la...
Dear Centa,
Thanks for your understanding... and for your love.
Bukan mudah mendidik anak seorang diri.
Bukan mudah seorang isteri tanpa suami.
Terima kasih kerana membimbing Sayang dalam hidup.
Kalau apa yang aku buat terserlah kebenarannya, setujulah dia.
Tapi kalau salah, tetap salah... tapi halus benar kiasannya.
usah dipuji suami mu itu...
ReplyDeletetapi panjangkan lah kesyukuran kepada Nya.. segala puji hanyalah untuknya... Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Adil... Dia tahu apa yg kita tahu dan Dia tahu apa yang kita tidak tahu..
Sayang abang pada dirimu sayang hanya semata2 kerana Allah, kerana Dia kita bertemu, kerana dia kita bersama..
Allah Maha Besar.. Allah Maha Besar.. Allah Maha Besar..
ooo.. hmmm... haa...
ReplyDeletepergh hubby u mesti terharu baca entry hr ni ;)
ReplyDeletehmmm.. i tumpang terharu (mcm yati ckp tu) jugak..
ReplyDeletei yg weken wifey ni sgt2 terasa bila weekdays hubby xde kat umah. penat mmg penat, tp alhamdulillah bila weekend i dpt rehat byk sbb hubby sgt memahami..
dah rezeki dan jodoh masing2 dpt suami yg mcm tu. Alhamdulillah my hubby pon jenis yg mcm sham jg, x kisah sgt and very trusting kalo bab2 kuar wif frens etc. masa kat msia x berapa menyerlah sgt keringanan tulang tu, tp bila berjauhan kat neg org dan mmg ada each other je, mmg menyerlah habis lah. mungkin kah sbb dia dpt 3 yrs unpaid leave so bole focus kat family? balik msia nnt x tahu lah mcm mana, dua2 keja full-time, huhuhu... takuuuut!
ReplyDeleteala..x de butang 'like'..moga2 sy pun dpt husband yg mcm tu... :)
ReplyDeleteadala kelebihan & kekurangan masing2. And you are lucky to have your hubby. Knur pun syukur je dpt hubby knur sbb knur pun sedar kalau dpt yg lain, maybe knur ada je tak puas hati.
ReplyDeleteWaaa topik menarik ni.....
ReplyDeletebaru je borak dgn kwn perihal suami masing2..kelakar juga.topik hot wifey nmpknya yer.
ReplyDeletemsg2 ada kelainan,msg2 ada kelebihan dan kekurangan ;p..
Thank God for all that He has provided us with....
ReplyDeleteterharu tuh laki mu tuh..hikhik
ReplyDeleteisabel,nie mummy maira follow u semula kay..adaker patut kesilapan teknikal aii terdelete blog lama??gila toll..hikhik..nie tpksa mula dr awal n follow u n letak nama u dalam my bloglist kay..tq
ReplyDeletememang susah nak jumpa husband yang sebegini kan!
and ai pun lucky gak dapat husband sebaik my husband!
kerana, bila dengan family, hundred percent dia serahkan pada family, even kenkadang ai tahu dia buzy!
kenkadang kan belle, bila kita lihat kekurangan husband kita, cumakita tengok, sebenarnya banyak lagi kelebihan yang dia ada berbanding kekurangannya kan? ;)
ReplyDeleteaku selalu ingat mr big ni cam kureng2 sket bila bab sayang2 ni utk aku. but bila aku lepak2 dgn kengkwn aku dgr citer diorg then baru aku rasa yg mr big nie dah cukup perfect dah bagi aku..
ReplyDeleteim speechless..
ReplyDeleteaku tumpang happy bila baca komen korg semua.
u see, kdg2 kita ingat psgn kita tu hampeh ke, x seberapa ke... tapi bila tau laki org lain mcm sekian sekian...baru la kita sedar.
alamakkk nak nanges plak baca entry kali ni. tetiba pegi peluk fify ketat2. :(
ReplyDeleteperkahwinan ini umpama main puzzle. saling lengkap melengkapi...