Akhirnya aku berjaya gak completekan kursus 5 hari tu dengan jayanya walaupun ada sorang akhli kumpulan aku yang maha hampeh. Tapi kalo nak jadi competent, kena la amik exam pulak.
Takpe la..at the moment, prolly I can use these lame excuses not to sit for the exams...
Okay..tutup cerita tu.
By the time u are reading this auto-published post, I might be on my way to the northern region.
We'll be in Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Langkawi for a week to visit the practical training students. Alang-alang tu singgah la balik kampung sekali.
Kali ni, confirm aku akan balun Char Koay Teow, Nasi Burung, Pasembor best kat Padang Kota, Durian Ang Hey/101, sambal belacan bacang, errr..err... apa lagi ye? (bunyi macam buruk lantak sangat kan?hehe)
Okaylah..u guys have a good weekend.
Akhirnya aku berjaya gak completekan kursus 5 hari tu dengan jayanya walaupun ada sorang akhli kumpulan aku yang maha hampeh. Tapi kalo nak jadi competent, kena la amik exam pulak.
Takpe la..at the moment, prolly I can use these lame excuses not to sit for the exams...
- Exam tu kena bayar RM200 for Part A, and another RM500 for Part B. Mahal wooo!
- I need to be well-prepared, khatam cukup2. Tak nak amik exam and fail (walupun boleh je kalo nak repeat).
- I cant afford to fail, bcoz if I do... musti semua students aku cakap aku ajar ajaran sesat. (Kalo tak lulus, kasi malu ooo... sebab memang itu bidang aku. Kekekeke.)
- Kalo aku dah competent, musti kena jadi balaci kat Fakulti untuk buat keje-keje berkaitan tanpa bayaran. Baik aku cari job luar, leh dapat duit. Hahaha
Okay..tutup cerita tu.
By the time u are reading this auto-published post, I might be on my way to the northern region.
We'll be in Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Langkawi for a week to visit the practical training students. Alang-alang tu singgah la balik kampung sekali.
Kali ni, confirm aku akan balun Char Koay Teow, Nasi Burung, Pasembor best kat Padang Kota, Durian Ang Hey/101, sambal belacan bacang, errr..err... apa lagi ye? (bunyi macam buruk lantak sangat kan?hehe)
Okaylah..u guys have a good weekend.