Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fine! U r narcisst. So what?

Hangin betul aku.
Dari semalam berbengkel for this stupid OBE thingy.

I really can't tolerate this narcisst and i'm-the-smartest-bcoz-i-have-all-the-answers speaker.

Why do I say he's narcisst?
Setiap page of the printed matter (for the bengkel) is printed with his initial AND PICTURE! TOLONG LA... kalo ye pun kau rasa kau hensem (yuck! ptuih!) agak-agak la sikit.

Why do I say he is the-smartest-bcoz-i-have-all-the-answers?
Whatever presented by the participants are never right. Ada saja yang x betul. Dia je la yang betul.

Dah tu, today's agenda is kinda not yet on (dah nak half day ni)... when someone suggested that we proceed with the tentative (which is more important), Mr. i'm- the-smartest-bcoz-i-have-all-the-answers said we can proceed with one more day to complete the bengkel. wtf? (sila murnikan pemikiran anda...wtf=whatthefotosintesis)

Hello..kalau ye pun gila nak naik jadi Professor, jangan menyusahkan hidup orang lain!

Dan tolong la pakai neck tie tu jangan labuh daripada your belt buckle! It's an eyesore, man...
Huduh benar....

p/s: Ni gambar yang aku google. Aritu aku pernah curi snap gambar that Mr.Narcisst dengan tie labuh dia tu.tapi mana ntah aku letak gambar tu. Kalo x, leh aku publish. Wakakaka....


  1. a true narcissist - hate that kind of ppl too.. they think they're superior than others.. tolonglah.. banyak lagi orang yang much much better than them but still remain humble.. kan kan

  2. nyampah jugak ngan org yg i'm the-smartest-bcoz-i-have-all-the-answers. belagak. sombong. menci.
    *aku emo*

  3. aidaikmal,
    betul tu. menanah telinga i dok dlm bilik ni dr pagi tadi. duhhh...

    kekeke. tu nak ganti Profesor Serba Tau Gila-Gila dulu tu.

  4. hihi wujud lagik ek makhluk camni?

  5. elyn,
    wujuuuuuudddd. u dtg la my fac, i kenalkan.kekeke

  6. is, x yah gi fac u. i think at every faculty ada satu! hehehhe... slmt berbengkel ;P

  7. alaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....pi cari cepat gambaq tu i nak tengokkkkk!!!! memang menjengkelkan. cewahhh. hiks


  8. ha!! ada gambar dengan nama dia kat every page? adoi,...tengah menahan diri dari nak gelak.

    eh, saya tak kutuk pun org tu dalam hati. haha

  9. oyis,
    yg kat ur fac, pakai tie smpi bwh drp belt buckle tak? hahaha

    aku marah ni...*takut x tgk muka aku?*


    drama mama,
    nnt i tanya mrhubby, sebab i ada mms kat dia dulu.nak buat bahan bukti sambil mengutuk.hahaha

    seriously, i tell u.

  10. aiyaaaa ada jgk org mcm tu..dasat dasat.........len kali publish je muka dia.nak gak tgk ke-hensem-an dia tu :P


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