Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Compliments that complement

When I meet new people, I always introduce myself with my short name, Is... bcoz I believe not everybody could remember my full name, although it is just an 8-letter-word. Yes, my full name is just made up of 8 letters, simple and not overdone like most kids nowadays.
Anywa, back to the introducing with particularly applies to international people I meet, bcoz I believe they might find it hard to articulate a Malay name.

But hey, I was wrong.
Yesterday, upon hearing my full newly found Iranian friend (from the iCeL2 conference) said "Is that a Spanish name?"


And that wasn't the first time I got such a response. There were times when they replied with "That's a beautiful name! U shouldn't have use your nickname."

"I like ur name...Is******, Is******" (mumbling my name a few times).

Well, to be frank, I used to wonder how did I get my name. The first two syllables synchronize with Abah's name-at least that was what I thought...until I asked Abah personally.

I got to know that actually the first syllable is of Abah's name, while the second syllable was of Mak's. Aha!!! How come it never crossed my mind for the past 29yrs?

So, I asked Abah about Along's name. Hers sounds similar like mine (the first two syllables) and again, I was surprised to know that it is generated from our parents' names too!

Owing to the similarity of pronunciation in our names, whenever her friends were introduced to me, they would make a wild guess ", is your brother's name Iskandar?"

The fact is no. His is Mohd Firdaus.
And none of my younger sisters got such names too. They were given beautiful and meaningful Arabic names that I wish I had.


  1. this title post..btw, is Isabelle truly your name?

  2. I also wonder if Isabelle is your real name.

  3. hanz,
    tQ ;)
    btw isabelle is not my real name, as i blogged here...

  4. nur,nura,nurad,yani,
    eheh! muka i ada gaya2 nama isabelle ke? :P ish...

  5. mohd firdaus????nickname mofis lor...
    iskandar???hahahahaha!!!what about borhan/burhan or nordin/nurdin???kekekekekeke!!!

  6. mOfis:)= MOhd Firdaus ISmail or MOhd Firdaus + Intan Suhana? hahaha;D

    wah~ i haven't tot of it too la..kira mak sayang hg la;p peace! sedap la tu nama tu..ada rhyme:)

    teacher ooi nak sebut nama aku mesti ada bunyi nama situ nmpk la kita ni bradik2;D

  7. ok i paling benci nak sbut nama sebenar sebab panjang sangat..pastu sebab ade ziana kat belakang..selalu org dok gelak2 panggil i ziana zain which i sebenarnye sangat tak suka hahaha

    so senang introduce nama farah je.

  8. haaaaaaaa i pun ingat nama you isabelle. glamer gituuu hiks

    dahsyat ah nama u ada bunyi spanish name. hebat!

  9. mOfis,
    nnt aku suruh mak abah tukaq nama hang jadi SAZLY BURHAN mau x? kihkihkih.

    mofis tu 2in1 la.
    tapi nama aku xdak makna best.camna nama kita leh bunyi dekat2 lak?

    kalo i, i suka.sbb i minat ziana zain.(oh..kakak iparku).hehehe :P

    drama mama, betul kalo glamer mcm tu.

  10. hihi.. ok ape.. i like spanish name very much gara2 terpengaruh ngan telenovela.. suka nama dorang sedap2...

    nama i yg sebenar takde maksud.. kalau direct translate into arabic.. nama i bermaksud 'cahaya teh/tea tidak/bukan'

    wakaka.. no wonder i suka minum teh...

  11. is******.. i love to call your name.. ;)

  12. Isabelle, ada org kata apa ada pd nama... Sebenarnya byk yg ada pada nama kan....

  13. lady of leisure,
    haha.mesti u ni pemalu (kunun) orangnye.
    tu kalo dpt peluang, harus la nak tukar jadi rosalinda ayamor tu.kihkihkih

    aku jg harus mulai panggil kamu dgn nama penuh niy.panjang juga ya.

  14. laaa... selama ni i betul2 la ingt nama u isabelle. it suits u tho. asalnya i ingat u ni mcm sabahan ke, it's very common kan muslim with an english name kat sana. i have friends yg sabahan with names like gloria, esther, and veronica, so x pernah appear weird to me. heck my name pon english-y gak, but i x suka sgt say my real name kat UK ni, coz it's a boy's name here (my parents pon gabung nama). kalo utk urusan x formal, i usually ckp my name is Nora, sipi2 la tu ek? ;P

  15. I hate my name... Coz its a very common name. Hahaha... Blh gitu.. Tak baik kn? Ok i redha jek.. But i think nama u sedap pe.. Spanish2 gitew.. Haha.. I ade kwn nama isa bella and yup, he's a guy.. :)

  16. ..the last 4 alphabets of ur name+my name..

  17. sitisifir10,
    a'ah kan. sok2 kat pdg mahsyar, xsyok la kalo dipanggil dgn nama yg xde makna.
    lgpun, kan nama tu mencerminkan keperibadian...

    haha. kantoi pulak. kalo x, mesti semua org ingat nama i sweet like isabelle :P
    anyway, norris is a guy's name (e.g. chuck norris). tapi noris pun sama ke?

    kira ok la tu. yg penting, bukan nama mcm dolu2...HUDOH, PUTEH, JANTAN.

    betoi gak no?
    wei, next wk aku kena kursus smpi kamis. xdpt la kariyoki.huhu


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