Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Princess and the Frog

When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are!

By the title "The Princess and the Frog," u might guess that is a fairly familiar story. And just like the usual animated Disney's, u might expect a precarious journey, talking-animal sidekicks..and the budding romance with a moral to the tale. But actually there's more than that!

Last weekend, we brought Adam for his 2nd movie at the cinema...The Princess & the Frog.
My! As expected, he was soooo excited... chuckling and giggling throughout the 1.5 hours.

The opening scenes were like a cool shower after a long and sweaty day. A story with characters and plot by lovingly hand-drawn animation that proceeds at a human pace. No odd smoothness.

The movie was based on a simple plot, u kiss 'a princess' u will turn back to the original form! Hence, kissing the not-so-real one, will turn ur life upside down!

However, our plan to go to the zoo with Mamapasha's family had to be cancelled, as Adam had just recovered from fever. So, in the afternoon we went to KRTU for swimming while MrHubby went golfing with DrWan.

In Mama's hat (while Mama was changing into her swimsuits)

Surprisingly, Adam was no longer afraid of the water! He plunged into the pool and started walking around (with the Thomas floatie). He seemed to enjoy himself very much.

Unfortunately I couldn't snap a lot of pix (I didn't dare to leave him in the pool with the other kids, just to reach for my camera!)


  1. adoi, ramai cakap cerita princess and frog best, haruslah aku bawa adam aku plak neh...

  2. If it's two thumbs up then I think I will take my children to see the movie :)

    Thanx for sharing :)

  3. yaya,
    go for it. best tau. but the 1st movie we watched with adam (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) lagi best rasanya.

    it's a good movie.but as i said, i observed that my munchkin is pinned to his seat tighter during our first movie.
    so, prolly a thumb up, instead of two. hehe. x berani nak recommend lebih2

  4. hello isabelle mommy...nice blog!


  5. wah adam dah dua kali masuk wayang la... harus try ngan aisyah. aisyah dah pandai gelak2 bila donald duck wat kelakar kat TV, or even at SpongeBob, so I guess it is time... :)

  6. alohamolly,
    hello. actually i have dropped by a few times. anyway, nice knowing u. keep each other updated with the interesting entries!

    kalo dah tahap pandai gelak2 tu, kiranya mmg dah ok la bwk ke cinema. but remember to pick a catchy one.
    e.g. Ratatouille (recently aired on astro) didnt seem to attract Adam that much)


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