Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Circus bear?

We (MrHubby & I) are currently in dilemma. By Jan 2010, he will be transferred to the HQ (Putrajaya), hence it is no longer practical to car-pool like what we have been doing.

Considering the safety and health (wakakaka..very the OSH lecturer!) of MrHubby, certainly we prefer to opt for a small car.

Why not a big new car? Bcoz it's gonna be a waste of money (liability) when I leave for my study soon.

Anyway, if we were to buy a car, it comes along with the costs for petrol and toll. Hence, it's gonna be a bit tight for the two of us.

Owing to the reasons, I came up with silly solutions like buying a motorbike.

It might not be a good idea, though...as chubby MrHubby would look like a circus bear :P

Hehehe. Comel x?

So, okaylah centa... I think I better buy u a bike that will still protect u from the bad weather. Err...like this one, okay ahhh? :P

"Matkool..matkool kawanku...
mari kita ikut matkool
main main selalu...
syoknya syoknya ada matkool..."


  1. Isabelle...kan ada bike with a shelter kind of thing? :)

    dangerous la bike....small car better...

  2. hahaa..x baik tau kata Circus Bear :p sama laa..we will get 2nd car (small one) too next year!

  3. mcm tak boleh imagine hubby u naik moto yang 2nd tu..hehe

  4. Heheheh sapa yang pegang loceng? ke ada radio pasang lagu " syoknya matkooooool"!!

  5. waaaa... waaaa...

    mat kool.. mat kool.. syoknya mat kool... mari adik, mari beli mat kool.. hahaha..

    bagus gak, waktu rehat bleh abg jual aiskrim... save duit minyak.

    p/s: mmg mcm bear sarkis aku ni, tinggal pakai ropol2 kat leher je

  6. reitak,
    i agree with u. tgk la camna nnt. nak kena plan balik financial management.hehe

    u kena transfer gak ke? or saja nak buy the 2nd car?

    hehe. leh cari duit sampingan :P

    nak ring the bell, penat la..
    so psg lagu matkool je terus.hahaha

    nnt gunting ropol cadar purple mak, letak kat leher ayah ye? hahaha. (sib bail moksu jamal x baca blog nih)

  7. saya dulu, sampai naik segan meminjam kereta orang.. sebab husband selalu kena keluar. kitorang ni mana lah ada company car.. terpaksalah ambik lagi satu keta murah, tapi berbaloi2.. hehehe..

    kira oklah nak bawak pergi keje je.. :P

  8. wakakakakaka....i vote for mat kool mat kool kawanku!!!

    u nak pegi study katna?

  9. is,
    u nak sambung study bila ek? very soon ke? my 2 cents la ni, if possible x yah beli brand new keta, but maybe a 2nd hand one but with good mileage n working engine (ni tips dari my lect di UK ni), bcoz considered temporary je kan?

    maybe u r financially better off than me, so maybe this advice x applied to u, but in my case, we bought a brand new waja setahun lebih sblm gi UK (masa tu serius x tau lg ada chance nak fly), and sampai skrg dok byr lagi keta tu tiap2 bulan. rasa mcm liability sungguh. gaji msia wat abis byr keta n umah teres kitaorg aje. dah la ada kereta kelisa kecil lg satu (nasib baik dah abes byr that one). semua pon adik2 la tolong jaga / pki buat masa ni. balik 3 tahun nnt still x tahu apa condition kereta2 tersebut. kalo nak jual pon itu hari, siap kena byr kat bank lg sbb interest pon lom abis byr.

    this was also the case with another fren yg beli brand new Gen2, and 18 months later dpt fly gi Aussie. dia siap top up kat bank selepuk 11K, sbb harga keta nasional ni cpt benar la susut nilai. dia ada cash masa tu, x pe la. i x de, so redha je le byr bulan2...

    on the other hand, i really don't trust motorbikes either. i'm not helping am i? sorry...

    susah kan nak plan around these things? i feel ur concern, Is. We have to put our life on hold sbb nak belajar, but kalo hold2 x dpt2 gak scholar rugi (e.g. ada offer beli rumah, tp dah miss kang harga rumah makin naik). but if we proceed and make our life better in msia kang (beli umah, beli keta, setel down semua), tup2 ada chance nak gi oversea on the very last minute, how on earth will we manage it dgn satu income shj? (my case la, hubby dpt unpaid leave nih).

    buat istikharah la i suppose. Apa pon, kita mernacang, Allah merancang, dan Allah adalah sebaik2 perancang. Sorry i'm a downer. I just dont want anyone to have to go through what i am going now.


  10. sya,
    ishh..ur car is not that cheap lah.
    me too, segan lak nak tumpang my boss. sdgkan skrg pun, dah byk statements drp org tak syg mulut about us.ni kan pulak kalo everyday. hahaha

    drama mama,
    yes.matkool is cool!
    for my PhD?i'd prefer to go back to OZ, or the kiwiland. europe might be too cold for me :(

    TQ sooo much 4 d advice.
    i might start in 2011 (locally or abroad certainly depends on the scholarship).
    am pretty much in the same situation with yours. mrhubby will have to take unpaid leave to accompany me.and we are now paying for our home & little car too.hence, adding another car is kinda a burden...though we only have one kid at the moment :P (poor financial mgmt skills kot!)
    anyway, u r absolutely right. will discuss further with mrhubby re your advice.


  11. Askm puan Oyis,
    puan blaja kat mana yek. senang bleh i join persatuan PA kpd isteri yg belaja dgn suami u...hehehe...

    p/s: PA = penjaga anak hehehe...

  12. aiskrim mat kool yang penagi satuuuuuu ehehehe

  13. isabelle:
    tu my humblest opinion la. hope u guys can work around a solution yg x membebankan esok2 kalo dpt fly.

    abu zuhair:
    i buat PhD kat plymouth, UK. meh la join kat sini. my hubby mesti suka, sbb kat sini semua yg buat PhD laki aje, so yg ikut adalah housewives semuanya. mmg lone ranger gitu dia hehehe...

    btw, ni satu lg la buah pikiran saya yg x seberapa, kalo ada peluang minta la wife cari tempat yg byk perempuan buat PhD. mmg bosan sket la org laki kalo x, sbb nya x kan nak geng ngan housewives lain kan. nak join geng laki yg buat phD, students mmg x byk masa n x pernah la buat activity ngan anak2 during weekdays.

    my fren yg dok nottingham UK ckp, sana byk househusbands. siap bole tukar2 resepi sesama sendiri (yea, husband kat sana masakkan utk bini, bila dah ramai tu menjadi la plak), husbands bawak anak2 ke library, and sama2 husbands ni buat kelab fotografi, pergh DSLR sorg satu, sama2 configure cara nak dpt satelite free (ada yg asalnya engineer, tp berenti ikut bini, so dpt la ala2 astro free), etc. org byk masa lapang la katakannnnn........ x la rasa mandom je mcm kat plymouth ni... kesian my hubby huhu

  14. the mat kool motobike is super cool la kak..i vote for that too..hehe


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