Monday, December 5, 2011

December -random babbles

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
Tetiba rasa I haven't expressed my gratefulness for sooo long.
Asyik sangat fikir masalah, sampai lupa nak bersyukur. 

Well, Monday again.
A good beginning of the week, unlike last week (with the cranky lil ones getting on my nerves).

Today, I need to write and send out the Christmas cards to some people I care for.


Sambil-sambil tu...ada banyak gak benda serabut kat kepala aku ni.

Finding a good kindy for Lil Adam. 
Been going around, asking around... banyak benda kena consider. Dilemma.
Will blog about kindy-hunting once my pending tasks are completed (completed? sounds like 'never'. Haha)

This weekend, I'll be joining a sampling trip with the students. Maybe tinggal the kids to be babysat by MrHubby.
Or..err..maybe aku angkut je sekali?

The conference to attend end of this year will overlap with my munchkin's 1st birthday. The first birthday kan? Mesti la meaningful... (Okay, aku emotional!).
So, I have had few things prepared for him.
Am yet to confirm with my sister, Ryna...if we can travel together. Ngehehe. Bila lagi aku nak naik RBA kan?

Alamak. Have to mark the lab reports, assignments, tests, whatnot.
This is what I hate most when it comes to end of the semester :P

Whew! Lega rasanya when I have all things listed. 
Baru clear sikit. Sikit laaaa...

Okay... actually, I have few other things to blog about, but I need to rush to the post office to mail the Xmas cards (eleh..tulis pun belum!)

In the meantime, please enjoy this 'new dance' by Lil Adib.
Dia baru je create last two days. Hahaha

Have a great day!


  1. hahaha... pandai dia dance!


  2. lepas kul 5 br dpt tengok adib joget ;p

    aku weekend ni tinggal anak pegi team building kat langat.huhuhu

  3. Comel nye Lil Adib!!!

    Belle, sgt klasik ye cara ko wish Christmas. Best best.

  4. adam dah big boy aaaa... nak masuk kindy dah. transfer from nursery to kindy :)


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