I am sOoOoOo happy :)
Izan, nanti i buat tag I'm happy tu ye?
- The burden I have kept for the past 100 days is over. Thanks, MrHubby. I consider that as the best birthday gift I have been waiting for so long.
- In return, I have a happy news too. I wanted to tell my fellow readers so badly, but MrHubby said that'll have to wait (saja ja nak test how patient the ketaq me is. hahaha).
I am now on holiday, back in hometown (Penang). We are going to Kelantan tomorrow, to meet the new bundle of joy in the family.
There's plenty of great things in life these days... Alhamdulillah.
kirim salam kat orang kampung... lambat nya lagi chek nak dapat balik.. waaaa.. ..
ReplyDeletebtw, i tumpang ketaq jugak nak tau pasal tuh.. hahaha..
tumpang hepi...kg me kat kelate tau
ReplyDeletepengsan aku baca tajuk kau.....saspensdaaaaa
ReplyDeletecepat la reveal... nak tau ni...
ReplyDeletei tumpang gumbira... tapi tajuk suspender betul kikiki... tapi nanti share la apa yang buatkan u hepi tu ngan kitorang semua(saja nak kepochi)...
ReplyDeletebestnya balik penang, ada pekena laksa ke apa2 ke? rojak ke, char kueh teow ke..
selamat bercuti. bestnye balik kg. Akk jugakla tak balik2 lg Kelate. huhu
ReplyDeletealahai...senyum sampai telinga bila namaku dimention di sini...
ReplyDeleteapapun xsabaq nak tau rahsia tu is...
**happy holiday...:)
Best nyer...I pun nk balik penang la...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your holiday!
psst! what's the good news?
if u are sooo happy, then the news that u wanna share must be a good one :)
ReplyDeleteadam nk ada adik kah?cepat citeeee...tak saba ni.
ReplyDeletecepat laa..I pun tak sabar2! hopefully berita yg tu..walaupun x dpt kejar sama tahun,still happy tau!
ReplyDelete* my niece thinking of coming to uiTm next week..appreciate if we could arrange time to meet.
ReplyDeletei miss u... u preggie ke babe? hehehehehehe... i pun x sabar nak tau! hikhikhikhik....
bgtau la saya.. =p
ReplyDeleteaku bongkar nih rahasianya boleh?? :)) uhmm mo nitip apa ya dari kelantan... uhmmm...
ReplyDeleteselamat bercuti!
ReplyDeleteehem ehem... UPT positive? aminnnnn :)
wahh mau balik kelantan? i kt kelantan skang ni my dear hehehhe.....umah sape kt kelantan?kt mana? wahh bertubi² soklan :P
ReplyDelete100 days??mcm 3bulan je kan. Pregnant eh?? best nye adam nk dpt adik..
ReplyDeletetahan dulu ketaq tu. i pun jenuh tahan ni.
mama zharfan,
i went to mache & kb.
siti sifir,
weihhh..xkena la isabelle dah nak jadi iskandar?
mmg i akan reveal. nanti i pujuk mrhubby.hehehe.btw, balik tu xdan p mkn mknn ruji, char. hampess tul.
temp housewife,
nnt ada masa balik la.i pun dah lama x blk, tu yg balik gak tu.
izan ishak,
ok, lps ni i mention kerap2 la nama u. hehe
i suppose it is ;)
doa-doakan la...
buzz me when u r around. i x sure kalo2 ada last minute meeting, etc.
whew...tuhan je yg tau betapa i semangat nak citer..hahaha
ni kena jumpa ni...baru leh citer.wakakaka
ehehehe (menjawab dgn sengih & muka gatal)
wah..kalo dah Dr tu, jwpnnye pun ke arah2 itu gak kan?:P
went to machang, my sister's.giler ah panas kat sana.
yg 100days tu adalah suffering perkara lain (semak kepala, sakit hati, etc).hehehe