Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband/boyfriend/lover. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do.The real challenge is to send it to your husband/boyfriend/lover to see how right you really are.
*Actually before we got married, I gave Mr Hubby a list of 50 questions and most of his answers were correct. So, now after 2yrs+ of marriage, lemme test myself pulak."
1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Her: HBO, Cinemax, StarMovies or AXN. Once in a while when he is watching 811, I'd throw the question "Err... Ayah, nape kita tengok citer x best ni ye?" :P
Him: Ni satu soalan berapa markah nak bagi ni? kita kira 10 markah satu soalan la ye...
soalan 1... mama dapat... jeng2... 10 markah, n biasanya ayah jawab.. mama nak tgk cite apa? sambil bagi remote control kat mama
*best kan ada laki mcm ni. hehehe
2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Her: Mayonnaise or Thousand Island. He rarely tries something weird like vinaigrette, Caesar Dressing, etc.
Him: Wah bijaknye... bisteri sapa la ni... 10 markah lagi
*hnss...hnss... kontrol lobang ngidung
3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
Her: Weird healthy food and food he refers to as junkies (cakes, jajan, kerepek). He just takes the middle path.
Him: ayah matan koko oat pa skrg... hehehe... (setelah sedar akan tekanan atm yg semakin tinggi pd diri sendiri, yup junkies kurang skit... 10 markah lagi utk bisteri tercinta
*kemain setia lagi dgn kuku-oat dia. tapi kalo mkn dgn ciken wings berlambak2, menjadi ke diet tu? (hint: lps ni kurang competition)
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Her: Iced tea. The Nescafe O Ais days have gone. I once advised him to lessen his consumption of iced drinks. Ada le sehari dua je pantang, then balun cukup-cukup.
Him: teh o suam or iced tea la... yg ni dapat 8.5 markah je... biu2 centaa
*ye la...
5. Where did he go to high school?
Her: Segamat until Form 3 & switched to Ungku Hussin, when he thought Arabic was damn tuff. Mana ada, bang?! Assalamulaikum, waalaikumussalam...kan senang je tu :P
Him: yup betul, jazaka'allahu kairan kasira (setelah diajar oleh bisteri yg tertomel)15 markah tambahan (5 sbb tlg ajar jzkk tu...)
*ewah -ewah! Test power nmpk.
6. What size shoes does he wear?
Her: I know it's big. Size 8 if I'm not mistaken. Alaa... bagi la markah kesian!
Him: selipar ada saiz ke... jarang pakai kasut, saiz lapan setengah sbnrnye. 9.5 markah

*Mama saja je nak bagi nmpk kaki ayah mcm kecik. Kang orang kata bigfoot lak!
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Her: Collect? Kolek bas...Hahahaha (LOL@ Along who dreamt of being a bus conductor when she was small). Well, he'd collect books bcoz he loves to read 'em. Unlike me, who only read blogs... If ever scientific journals are published attractively like blogs. Hehehe. And oh yes.. he collects fats too, just like Kobau- Bella's partner :P
Him: cita2 nak jadikan rumah tu library...hehehe.... 10 markah lagi utk rumah tunin'...
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Her: Chicken of seafood, perhaps. As long as they are big to satisfy the appetite. Mati la kalo sandwich besar 2 jari like we had at Mt Nebo with Mary.
Him: kenyang ke matan sandwich? hehehe... kira betul la jawapan tu 10 markah lagi

*betul ke ni? ke dpt markah utk sedapkan ati je ni?
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Her: Fried bihun, boti baja (roti jala), muntabak, lontong (he's fussy about the peanut sauce, though) to an extent that he is bored of the menu. Then, we'd never find 'em on the dining table for months before we feel like eating 'em again.
And of course, he'd eat all my cookings if I were rajin enuff to cook everyday.
Him: hehehe... mana ada sekarang ayah matan kokooat je. 10 markah lagi utk mama
*Ye betul. And when Acik was around we went to the Big Plate, Sate Kajang & etc. The diet was ruined in just 2 days. Hahaha
10. What is his favourite cereal?
Her: Honey Stars.
Him: koko oat la... (dah tukar bulan lepas)... 9.9 markah kekekeke...
*Huh! Busuk betul. Koko oat tu cereal ke? :P
11. What would he never wear?
Her: Non-boxer undies, unpleated pants, S-sized shirts, belts with big buckles, red trousers... and the list goes on.
Him: ye betul, banyak betul... mama kita pg umrah jom, nak beli jubah n kurta (ni dah terpesong niat ni)
*Hahaha...Ayah x ckp pun x pakai bra & panties...Hehehe
12. What is his favorite sports team?
Her: The Gunners
Him: dah x sokong dah... tgk semua game kalau ada kesempatan... layan badminton dgn pak mail bundel (walaupun x berapa nak tau)hehehehe... 2 markah sbb ya dulu sokong the gunners YAHUDI

*Okay. Balik ni, kita bakar jersi2 tu ye...
13. Who did he vote for?
Her: Those with 'demokrasi terpimpin'. Hahaha. I mean, those on the right path like the two famous Umars.
Him: first: panji Allah, 2nd: dari rakyat, untuk rakyat, bersama rakyat, 5 markah
*Alamak! Bukan ke ayah AFUNDI baeeek punya? kekekekeke :P
14. Who is his best friend?
Her: Me! Me! (sambil angkat tangan tinggi2, berdiri atas meja). Others are Nizam, Shady, Abg Azam, Jalak, Fark, Wong, Bobby...
Him: Jawapan ni dapat 2 markah je...sbb my best fren is u n little cikebum. xda sapa dah
*Merajuk kang kalo kwn2 ayah baca ni
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
Her: Being emotionally unstable and nagging. But I bet that he wishes that I'd still be the naughty me. Hiyaaahhh... Mari rogol suami sendiri!!! :P
Him: jawapan ni dapat markah penuh kuasa 10... 100 markah, terutama sekali bab noti tu.
*Dah betul... maka balik ni, terpaksa la rogol suami laju-laju. Hahahaha
16. What is his heritage?
Her: Aiyoo..machaa?! Boleh jawab ka? He didn't like curry before, but after few times going back to Penang, he seems to be the one asking "X nak pi makan nasik kandaq ka?". But actually, he's a Malay despite the name that sounds like Jawa :P
Him: Chek kerja kat perai.... hahahahaha..... 8 juta markah...
*Amboi...Chek tau ka perai tu tang mana?"
17. What is his favourite colour?
Her: Apple green, but his wardrobe is dominated by blue shirts. Ye la... Mama tau, tu taktik nak ajak shopping la tu...
Him: alamak mama lupa warna putis la, putis mcm ayah.... 1000 markah
*Oh yes... between black & white, u'll choose white. as white as snowwybear*
18. What is his habit?
Her: Delay his shower after coming back from work. His excuse: to cool down first, bcoz he sweats a lot.
Him: habit tu sama mcm rabbit dalam teletubies tu ke..... kekekeke...
mama telah lulus PTK kuiz ini... i love u so much sayang....
*smug face* Hehehe
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