Copy to your own post, erase my answers, enter yours and tag people you want. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real; nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : ISABELLE
2. A four letter word : IRON
3. A boy's name : ISAAC
4. A girl's name : ISAURA
5. An occupation : IT ENGINEER
6. A color : IVORY
7. Something you'll wear: IN-FASHION...hehehe.buleh?
8. A food : IKAN
9. Something found in the bathroom: IKEA MIRROR... ngelat!
10. A place : IRELAND
11. A reason for being late : I OVERSLEPT MAA...
12. Something you'd shout : IDIOTTT!!!
13. A movie title : INCREDIBLE HULK
14. Something you drink : ICED LEMON TEA
15. A musical group : INCUBUS
16. An animal : IKAN... hahaha
17. A street name : ISABELLA ST. ada kan?
18. A type of car : ISWARA
19. Title of a song : I LOVE U (celine dion)
i'm tagging... all readers! :P
1. What is your name : MOFIS
ReplyDelete2. A four letter word : MUST
3. A boy's name : MAMDUH
4. A girl's name : MIA
5. An occupation : MEDICAL OFFICER
6. A color : MAROON
7. Something you'll wear: MASK?
8. A food : MEE
9. Something found in the bathroom: MUG (letak brus GG)
10. A place : MALAYSIA
11. A reason for being late : MEMULAS PEROT KU
12. Something you'd shout : MAMBAIIII MAMBAIII....
13. A movie title : MUSICIAN
14. Something you drink : MILO
15. A musical group : MATTA-jatOh chenta lagi....
16. An animal : MEMERANG
17. A street name : MUTHUPALANIAPPA
18. A type of car : MAZDA PREMACY
ReplyDeleteMambaiii...mambaiii...(sambil buat aksi mengusap2 fortuneteller's crystal ball)
Lagu Mengundi tu...
"Jgn lupa Kad Pengenalan,
serta nombor daftar undi
Masa tidak kerugian membuang undi
Bila memangkah kertas undi
harus kita berhati-hati
Kalau salah tak berganti
sesal sendiri"
Ohoi!!! Hahaha
isk isk isk...jadi keja betoi la hampa dia breadik ni. lagu mengundi pun boleh hafal
ReplyDelete1. What is your name : ISAR
ReplyDelete2. A four letter word : IS IT?
3. A boy's name : IMAN
4. A girl's name : INAS
5. An occupation : IT MANAGER! hahaha...
6. A color : INDIGO
7. Something you'll wear:
8. A food : INDO MEE
9. Something found in the bathroom: IMAN TOILETRIES (hahaha!)
10. A place : ISKETAMBOLA
11. A reason for being late : I DIDN'T NOTICE IT!
12. Something you'd shout : IMAN! jgn notti syg!
13. A movie title : INDEPENDENTS DAY
14. Something you drink : ICE LEMON TEA
15. A musical group : INNEUNDO
16. An animal : IGUANA
17. A street name :
18. A type of car : IRMA WIRA (or WIRA IRMAS)..hahaha...jgn marah along!
19. Title of a song : ISABELLA..adalah..kisah chenta dua donia!
Opss lupa plak!
ReplyDelete7. Something you'll wear: I dont know lar!
17. A street name : IPING GARDEN..hehehe...kat batu maung ni!
ReplyDeleteguano ambo buleh x ingak kump INDIGO & INNUENDO?
hahahaha (sambung gelak lagi)
proton irma! hahahaha.
alamak! along x baca blog ni kan? :P
hahaha..proton irma ropernya..haku shilap la!
ReplyDelete1. What is your name : CHOT
ReplyDelete2. A four letter word : CUTE
3. A boy's name : CHARLIE
4. A girl's name : CAMERON
5. An occupation : CEO
6. A color : CLOUD BLUE
7. Something you'll wear: CAP
8. A food : CHAR KUEW TEAU (KT KEDAI PAU MOTO... HEHEHE... Betul ke eja tu)
9. Something found in the bathroom: COLGATE
10. A place : COATA RICA
11. A reason for being late : CAR BREAK DOWN ( sbnrnye nak tulis CAr hijack...hahaha...)
12. Something you'd shout : COOL
13. A movie title : CHUCK N LARRY
14. Something you drink : CAMERON TEA
15. A musical group : COLDPLAY
16. An animal : CROCODILE
17. A street name : JLN CHANGKAT, Bkt Bintang ada, raja chulan ada, tambhi dolah ada
18. A type of car : CELICA (TOYOTA)
19. Title of a song : COME OUT N PLAY
ReplyDeletedkt kedai PAU MOTOR tuuu...
tapi skrg dia dah selit huruf H la kat board kedai tu...
agaknya sblm tkr jadi PAUH MOTOR, ramai org dok pau motor dia kot. hahaha
1. What is your name : YONE
ReplyDelete2. A four letter word : YAWN
3. A boy's name : YAZIMIN
4. A girl's name : YASMIN
5. An occupation : YOUNG entrepreneur
6. A color : YELLOW
7. Something you'll wear: YANKEE pants
8. A food : YOLK
9. Something found in the bathroom: YEAST - 'YUCK'y toilet bowl!
10. A place : YORK
11. A reason for being late : YEAH, I'm late and students should wait!
12. Something you'd shout : YAHOO!!! YABEDABEDU!!!
13. A movie title : YES MAN
14. Something you drink : YOGURT drink - YAKULT!
15. A musical group : YELLOWCARD - "only one"
16. An animal : YAK
17. A street name : YAP AH LOY street?
18. A type of car : YARIS
19. Title of a song : YESTERDAY - the Beatles
meh tengok blog yone!