Whew! What a boring 3-hr invigilation task! Maklumlah exam week.
My students' FB status pun mostly tentang stay up untuk study, dapat jawab exam atau x, nervous, etc.
One of them yang dah pasrah gamaknye sebab dah study sampai tepu letak status
Redo je esok :(

Confuse jap aku sebab dia budak brilliant.
Yang dia maksudkan tu nak re-do (repeat the exam) ke redho/redha?
Bila aku komen tanya, rupanya yang dia maksudkan tu is the latter.
Haaa...cakap biar terang, jelas dan nyata macam izhar halqi.
To all my students sitting for the exams...
All the best. U don't need the good luck wishes bcoz it's all your effort- don't depend on your luck!
wow. u mmg mesra betul ngan students. siap add kat FB lg hihihi.. comel gitu
ReplyDeleteha ah..mesti diorg ok ngan kau kn..sbb bleh add kau dlm FB..ok la tu.. :)
ReplyDeletehaaa kantoi si student tu cikgu baca FB status. hahaha
kalau the former tu cam kelakar lak sebab exam nya esok takkan nak redo terus kan hehehe tu la lenkali spelling biaq betuiii
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to imagine my lecturer commenting on my status...zaman dulu2...wonder who would I have added as my 'fren' then...:)