Thursday, February 25, 2010

Approaching that number

I will no longer be addressed as in my 20's in about 24hrs time. Whew! Nak gelak pun ada. Cuak pun ada. Poyo betul...

It started as early as yesterday... when I received this lovely cuppies from Moonsweetgarden (from the contest I once won).

After lecture, DrTan & I went for this mango cheesecake at PakLi Kopitiam. Niceee!!!

As I left the office, Mamapasha asked me to drop by bcoz she has 'made' me a cosmetic bag!!! An edible one that is...
Kok nombornya gede banget. Saja la tu nak bagi org lain nampak!!! :P

Oh..semalam saya pakai baju kurung, kena sopan sikit, kot-kot kena present masa bengkel. Hahaha. (Cis..mengapakah aku nampak sedikti gempal di situ?)

Actually in the beginning, she wanted to make this for me.
Tapi patah pulak!

p/s: Diah, untung kamu gak bikin slipper oren aku yg jelek itu ya? Hahaha

There's plenty of things I wanna think and organize at this supposed-to-be-wise age.
  • I'd need my 'me time' for that...
  • and also some quiet moments with my other half.
  • But of course, I appreciate being surrounded by frens too.
Coincidentally, tomorrow is also MaulidurRasul. I believe most of my blogger friends might not be joining any perarakan or such, so perhaps kita boleh hidupkan sunnah-sunnah Rasulullah SAW.

I myself do not read a lot of the sirah, bcoz I am more into fiqh matters. Let's google for some sunnah that we could follow tomorrow.


  1. comeyla kek tu.sayang lak nk mkn..selamat ulang tahun yg ke..hehehe..

  2. babe, happy birthday in advance la. bestla dapat banyak cake.

    nway, aku wish semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki. take care.

  3. lin muhamad,
    tima kasih ye.hehe..mmg pun syg nak mkn. so, dok hadap tengok je la.

    thanks a lot. mudah2an doa ko makbul.

  4. happy birthday isabelle!! alaa baru 30 relax aa..ekekeke yang penting hati maintain muda babe!

  5. welkam to the 30s club! :> relax sis..we're not too far age gap-lah..then stop callimg me kakak okeh (Hanz ngan mode garang)kwang3x

    errr..rasa pelik..since when pak li kopitiam serve mango cheesecake? ker me yang rabun selama ni???
    all the best & may besday wish comes true! :>

  6. happy birthday in advance.

    i dulu seronok masuk 30 walaupun mula2 rasa macam sesak nafas. u'll be amazed if look back and see how much u have progressed.

    btw, nice cake.

  7. Bestnya..dah se'umur' dgn i..hehhe!

  8. nice cake!!!!

    bebeh... epy bday to u!!!!


  9. farah,
    ya..maintain...jgn x maintain.

    hahaha. kakak hanz...ooops. hanz sudah marah la.
    btw, skrg ni pakli mmg dah ada byk jenis kek la. try la.

    aiyo! mlm ni i mesti makin sesak nafas. hahaha.
    the cake is mamapasha's effort.

    thanks, dearie.

    whew! (mengesat peluh). sungguh terasa jauhnya perjalanan.

    thanks. well, credits to moonsweetgarden & mamapasha for the lovely cake.

  10. happy birthday in advance...
    may your birthday blossoms into lots of dream come true..

  11. met ultah ya say.. smoga panjang umur.. how iwish to be there with u and adam.. ;)


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