I love songs of the 80s and 90s most, as they are more sentimental and easy to the ears. MrHubby on the other hand, loves to listen to the lyrics and laughs at those effusively emotional lines.
Lemme give some examples...

Karam (Zabarjad)
Tiada berita mengubat rindu di kala sendu
Kubiarkan luka di hati berdarah
sehingga kering dimamah mentari
Apakah salahku disakiti sebegini
MrHubby's verdict: Ni sampai luka kering ke sampai hati kering?***
Kain Cinta Putih (Putra)
Kain putih yang kuberikan padamu
Kini pudar warna-warnanya
Kuselimut diatas ikal rambutmu
Kian jatuh terus cecah ke bahu
MrHubby's verdict 1: Dah kata warna putih, nak pudar amende? MrHubby's verdict 2: Kata warna putih, nape sebut 'warna-warna' (plural)?
Sketsa Sebuah Cinta (May)
Oh kekasih hatiku selamanya
Keindahan maya itu milik kita
Akanku bina istana istana untuk kita
MrHubby's verdict 1: Dah benda tu maya, camna pulak leh nampak indah? MrHubby's verdict 2: Wah wah wah..banyaknya duit nak bina istana!!!That doesn't yet include his naughty giggles when listening to Azie's (
Kau Tetap Dalam Anganku) song
Walau diacu belati tajam mengugutku
Cinta aku kasih aku tetap utuh hingga ke mati
MrHubby's verdict: Fullamak!!! Belati tajam tu. Kekekeke
Well, I realize there are numerous poetic and mushy blogs written by Malaysian bloggers, esp. women. I can provide some examples, but no offense ay?
In the profile, some might excessively describe themselves as
"A loyal wife to a gorgeous knight/husband and a loving mother of two cute little kids"(oh, no... my way of describing it is a bit lacking)
Anyway, at the sidebars, there could be burbling descriptions, that's also emphasize on the husband's career as a doctor, lawyer, magistrate, etc.
(Haha, ada hati nak berlagak dgn kerjaya suami).So many adjectives and gushy words to describe their love towards the darlings.
Tu belum kira lagi kalo silap guna tenses sampai maksud ayat pun berubah! (e.g
I was a wife to a handsome doctor).
Well, those are examples, ok?
I do know some humble pies whom never show off or make it obvious as if telling the world they are the only one having the blessed life.
So, no offense ok? If u think what I say is insulting, I'd consider it's '
sapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas' la. Hahaha
Okay fine, it's their choice, but to me, slushy it is unnecessary.
I do love my other half and my munchkin too, but I suppose it is not expressed mawkishly.