I believe it's not the signs of ageing (as I always tease Dr Tan). Not that the love is not blooming anymore. Well, love is to be celebrated everyday (regardless of the events) and affection is to be expressed anytime, without delay... and it can be done in so many ways. And I, choose to include Valentine as one-of-the-days-to-celebrate-if-I-were-available.
Likewise, the price of bouquets is neck-strangling on that day (plus the day before and after). So, I don't mind getting blooms or blossoms on some other days.
*hint *hint :P

And being the laid-back me, I'd rather do other activities than getting a headache to book a table for two on the day where other couples would be doing the same. If I were to get a royal treatment, that's another story.
Anyway, last Friday, when Mr Hubby fetched me after work, he gave me a card and a box. It was to be opened at midnite, as he ordered.
That was a real surprise! I thought we agreed not to celebrate it this year. So, my mind started to work extra-hard to plan on what to give in return.
After a sec, I was giggling, bcoz I thought I knew what was in the box. As usual, his surprises almost always do not work. Hahaha!
In the end, we both chuckled on our way back home.
Guess what I got? A box of chocolates in tubes! :p Yes, it's childish, but I think, it's cute!

Oh yeah... the unplanned event also saw me rushing to a nearby bookstore one day later to get a book (of his fav author) for him as a gift.

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