After so much hold backs and time lag, finally we moved into a new house. Yay! Eh, it's a 2nd hand one la :P
Anyway, at least it's our very own home :)
Shifting things made me realize that actually I (or is it 'we'?) have piles of things at home. Some of them are things that I have forgotten that they exist. Hahaha.
This baby cot was one of the heaviest stuff moved upstairs. But the most difficult one was the wardrobe.
Anyway, thanks to Nizam, Shady, Shahril, Uncle Bobo (Fadhly) and Suzaidy for lending a helping hand.
As for now, we haven't finished unpacking (actually, we were expecting my MIL to come over and help us...hehehe), but it's a big 'whew!' now.
New home, new environment, the first leaf of a book is opened. If last year, 2008 started with an obnoxious remark... This year is a fresh new start.
Fast forward to the future, I just hope I'd get whatever I dreamt of, not to miss good opportunities (that means I have to be dynamic) and be better in everything. Amin...
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. So, I better sign off now! :P
tahniah, dah pindah rumah sendiri... :)