Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lil Adam's 6 big leaps

Rasa lawak pulak dah masuk 6 tahun pun ada milestones lagi. But who cares! 
It's a progress, anyway, isn't it?

Well, last 3 weeks we had a meeting with Wendy (Lil Adam's teacher), as he is going to the mainstream class in the next term.

I was so proud upon knowing that he has reached level 10 in Reading - whatever that means, because when he first joined, he could only read several words.
Tergelak besar aku bila Wendy cakap, that is like thousands of words in his vocab now. Ye la kan... dulu aku beria la blog about his first few words. Standard la mak-mak. Vocab anak tu kira milestones la kan. But now, if I want to do the same... mampuih berjela-jela aku nak kena list down.

His writing? 
Motor skills can still be improved, tulisan besar gedabak macam nak bagi Sang Kelembai baca. Ikut dan dia je... kadang tu elok, kadang hantam sajalah labu. Sampai jenuh aku membebel kalo dia tulis dalam birthday card untuk MrHubby. Maunye tidak... card tu bukan le besar mana pun, tapi tulisan dia seketul-seketul punya besar.
Yang lawaknya, according to Wendy, at once he said "See! I can write small letters like my mom!"
... that signified what an achievement! :P

He easily gets distracted with noise, though. Hates noise. Sama le macam mak dia jugak, but I could still bear it.

Wendy also praised him for having creative thinking in Maths, when they learnt about measurement tool- how to measure the head (when no one else could think of the solution).
Acecece... tang pandai tu, aku nak le ngaku ikut perangai aku. Kan? Kan?

To my amuse, Lil Adam was also selected to be in the Student Representative Council meeting! 
Hahaha. Luar biasa!
He could grasp the message and have it passed well. Kalo kat rumah???? Harapannnn...

Yesterday was his 6th birthday. 

Walaupun pandai request nak strawberry cake (eleh...bukan dia makan pun strawberries tu!), but he is still thoughtful when it comes to not spending for the presents.

One of his other wishes is that - Nak Lil Adib be nice to him. Haihhh... si adik tu pun satu, asyik la nak jadi Ultraman, dan asyik nak conquer semua benda.

Susah-susah sangat, aku buat je la secret recipe tu... Undies Soup


Bersungguh-sungguh 'bi-jiddin wa-nasyatin' punya suap kek ke mulut. Hehehe.
Esok-esok dia besar, mesti dia marah tengok aku publish gambar ni. Hewhewhew


  1. Selamat hari lahir adam. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh

  2. selamat hr lahir adam :) semoga menjadi penyejuk hati mama dan ayah :)

  3. Happy bornday Adam. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh. Bab pandai & kreatif bole ikut Mama, tapi bab bebel xmau ikut ok. Ngeh. Comel je wish dia nak lil Adib be nice to him. Memang pembuli eh si Adek ni.

  4. Happy belated bday to Adam. I guess he really loved the cake. hehe


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