The perks of being mak-mak.
Tengok anak membesar, dan acting like yourself.
Acting like yourself--can be sweet, can be scary.
Walaupun kekadang agak lawak bila tengok Lil Adam tergedik-gedik excited planning untuk birthday (like planning it 13 months ahead, before the initial year punya birthday celebration), ada baguihnya jugak.
Walaupun ada masa dia mengkantoikan surprise dengan ayat "What flavour of cake do you like, Mama?"
atau mengkantoikan treasure hunt mencari hadiah dengan ayat "No, your present is not there! "
*sambil mata mengerling ke arah tempat tu, dan terlompat-lompat excited* ---Duh!Obvious sangat!
.... at least he learns to make a celebration meaningful.
He looks forward to celebrating any occassions/events in the family.
Birthdays, anniversary, mother's day, father's day, etc.
Last weekend, for Mother's Day... dia kata "You'll have to find two things, Mama. And I'm not telling you where I hid them"
Elehhh..macam le susah sangat.
Aku buka beg sekolah dia je, dah nampak handmade card.
Astagaaa... apa benda dia tulis/lukis tu?

Katanya, itu trofi untuk No.1 mum.
Lepas tu aku usik dia... "What? You have No.2 mum?" You forgot about the lesson from Hansel and Gretel? --- kepada yang ter-miss lawak ilmiah ni, boleh baca SINI.
Happy Mother's Day, mama.
You are the best mother in the universe.
I love you to the moon, Mars, Saturn, around the world,
China, Turkey, Gallipoli,
the future, the past, the present and back
:) ;) :P
Hahahaha. Tak boleh blah..tetiba ada China ngan Gallipoli. Alkisahnye pasal Anzac Day aritu banyak sangat publicity pasal Gallipoli kot.
Belakang kad, ada tulis ...(why la belakang kad?)
To mum.
From your first
Dan aku tanya... "from your first what???"
Dia jawab...
"Here... I wrote "Son"
Hahahaha. Ada ke tetiba kat depan kad ada satu je perkataan "Son."
Lepas tu akak cakap aku tak jumpa hadiah lagi satu. So, he went to his room and handed me this....
"Eh? Why Nan's pen? I'm not your nanna! What, are you saying I look like a grandma?"
--bertubi-tubi aku bebel. Bukan nak cakap terima kasih.
"It's okay, when I get married, you're gonna be a nanna."
MrHubby menyampuk "Hahahaha. So, by that time, dia dah tak bagi hadiah Mother's Day dah la... sebab dah bagi sekarang."
Huhuhu. Well-played, Adam.
Anyway, he also got me this painted pot of daffodils.
Walaupun nak tercekik menengok hasil seni anakanda mengecat, tapi kira okay la...sebab bunga tu cantik. And what matters most is--- he remembers to make me feel special.
That day, kitorang makan kat rumah je.
Buat sushi (plus nigiri, sashimi and udon) banyak-banyak... makan puas-puas.
Dan sebab aku dah lama mengidam nak makan durian... buat durian crepe sekali... Hehe
Yang ni pulak, from last year's Mother's Day celebration.
Sampai setahun aku peram, baru post sekali. Hahaha
That's a little pot of pansy seeds. Aku dah try tanam. Aritu nampak macam hidup.
Tapi dah sejuk-sejuk kebelakangan ni, takde la aku keluar jenguk, entah hidup entah tak pokok tu.
His attempt to make a menu for breakfast-in-bed.
Rice, oat or subway. Hahaha. Senang cerita. Subway terus.
And that's how he drew me.
Wearing one of my t-shirts yang dia suka :-P
Thank you Adam and Adib---for being my Little Cinta and Mini Cinta
I love you to the moon, Mars, Saturn, around the world,
China, Turkey, Gallipoli,
the future, the past, the present and back
Hehehe. Selalu aku guna taktik keji ni.... copy that, plus one.