Hoihh... Lama giler tak update blog ni. Konon busy le sangat.
Setelah dilly-dally, akhirnya aku ada reason yang super-kukuh untuk post an entry. GRADUATION!!!
Ni pun kira lambat la jugak post.
Anyway, yessss.... Setelah jenuh perah otak, akhirnya perjalanan PhD aku pun berakhir dengan jayanya. Alhamdulillah.
So, September aritu kitorang 'balik ke kampung halaman' di Adelaide. Kali ni with a different feeling. Lega.
I remember 4 tahun sebelum tu, masa aku lalu luar Bonython Hall tu, aku nampak majlis konvo tengah berlangsung, I told myself... I will be there one day.
So, this is it!!!
Pagi-pagi aku dah sampai ke uni, and this was gambar pertama aku pakai robe. Acecece..saja je poyo dgn background 'Why follow?' tu. Muehehehe
Seronoknya, kali ni convo ada geng! Tak sangka Yahya dapat join sama-sama konvo. Ada le geng nak bergambar dan bergosip sikit. Eh. Tiket seat kitorang pun dekat-dekat je.
Mula-mula gi check nama kat Edgeloe Room, then keluar la kejap...untuk ambil feeling the ambience kat luar Bonython Hall tu.
Sebelum masuk ke hall, Maisarah sempat tolong pinkan hood aku supaya tak londeh. Kena photobomb pulak dengan Yahya. Hehehe.
As usual, guests masuk dulu... these are my guests;
Jane (yang berbesar hati ambik day off from work, study, etc just to be with me on my special day!),
Maisarah (yang cepat-cepat set-up prepare utk experiments supaya dapat attend majlis aku), dan
Titin (yang always happy for me, setelah jenuh aku meraban kat dia masa study dulu).
Lepas tu, guest semua dah
bersekedudukan duduk, kitorang pun berarak masuk ke dalam hall. Malas pulak aku nak upload video berarak masuk tu, sebab kang nampak pulak kembangnya
hidung hati aku time tu.
Anyway, korang nampak aku menyelit jenguk dari row kedua tu? Hahahaha. Gigih sangat kan?
Yang bestnya, graduation ceremony kat overseas bukan le meleret-leret macam kat Malaysia yang berjela-jela ucapannya.
Cuma pakcik ni berucap sikit, dan dia terima award (mace bearer tak berucap sebab pakcik ni lagi power drp mace bearer)....

Sempat lagi aku ngajak Dr Steven ni selfie..padahal aku tak kenal pun dia. Hahahaha.
Memang "ini hari
Ahmad Albab aku yang punya!!!" So, aku engkak-engkak atas stage pun, lantaklahhh...
Lepas tu, tibalah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu.... menunggu turn nama dipanggil pun, kerenyih baekkk punya kat camera :-P
Patut la Jane cakap "No doubt, Izzie...you have the brightest smile in the hall!"
And...the moment of glory...
Kuar dari hall, grab Dino dulu. Hahaha. Walaupun anak dia konvo sekali, aku tak kira... Dia kena spend time bergambar dengan aku jugak! Afterall, dia memang tau sangat pe'el aku yang 'good-with-camera' (as he said it). Wakakakaka
Cheeky me!
And the group. With Carrie, Dino, Yahya's family and mine.
Too bad Sharyn and John couldn't make it. Wish they were there too.
Dino menyampaikan amanat :-P
Semoga tempias kejayaan aku kat diorang pulak.
Thank you, Jane...Maisarah & Titin. Muah..muahhh.
Thanks for the bouquet of native Aussie flowers, Jane! I love it!
Ika (the adik mee goreng) also came to congratulate me. With Lindt chocolates.
Dan ada artis mai convo chek okayyyyhhhh!!!
Thank you, Ummu for dropping by :-*
The ladies....
Chris & MaiLin are graduating one or two days after mine.
Other yang berjasa untuk the big day...
Adam- yang susah payah submitkan tesis aku yang maha berat tu ke AGC. Thank you, Adam. Semoga pengajian Adam dipermudahkan sebab tolong akak. Hehehe
These two Sayang Mamas: Lil Adam and Lil Adib.
Mama minta maaf sebab busy masa hujung-hujung kita kat Adelaide dulu. I tried my best not to miss anything big involving you, anyway, kan?
And this man.
Who kept me sane.
And comforts me everytime I am down.
The reason I am what I am today.
That noon, lepas dah bersurai semua... kitorang gi makan kat Knoodle dengan Adam, Imran dan Jane.
Then aku ngan Jane pegi ke Terrace Towers untuk lunch celebration with the School.
I remember dolu-dolu masa aku ke Terrace Towers untuk
meraikan Nasreen -Dino's other student. Time tu aku dok plan nak buat kuih-kuih Melayu untuk tetamu yang datang. Wahahahaha. Plan tak boleh blah.
Belakang kalu... aku lenggang mak limah je.
Ye la kan... Masa bila aku nak membuatnye? Kalau time aku kat Adelaide lagi, rajin la kot.
The 'Drs' with Paul --the IT guy who might have had lots of trouble entertaining our my stupid questions pertaining computer/ IT. LOL.
Mazna is finishing soon too!
Jane pun harap-harap tak lama lagi la.
Habis majlis, aku pun turun.
Selalunya aku selfie dalam lif ni sebab ada cermin besar ni.
Apparently, this time---it's different. Different feeling.
Dan entah bila lagi aku nak bergambar kat dalam lif ni lepas-lepas ni.
Balik rumah, rehat kejap...lepas tu kitorang pegi celebrate dengan Phu & Wen pulak.
Genki Sushi Bar! Yummm....
I received this lovely Swarovski pen! Oh my!!!!
Thank you, sister!!! :-*
You know, everytime I use this pen, I get 'whoaaaa!!!' from people around me. And everytime it happens, I tell them that it's from you.
Still in the mood for graduation, on different occassions, we had photoshoots with kengkawan geng air ketum James St. Dr Faisal & Dr Aqilah.
My oh my... rasa nostalgic sangat. Terbayang-bayang kalau dapat berkumpul lagi dengan geng-geng Adelaide kat James St. Now that it's over, mesti macam-macam cerita keluar.
And a jumping pose with the three men in my life (wishing Abah was there too!)
With my beloved MakNgah, the one who always motivates me.
I love you so much!
And the family - my proud PakNgah, MakNgah and Abg Fashni.
I am glad we are finally together in Adelaide.
So that's it.
There might be few more entries related to this one, though... mengikut tahap
kerajinan perasan busy aku selepas ini. Hewhewhew.
Alhamdulillah... Now the robe, the bonnet and scroll are mine!
I graduated with a Dean's Commendation for the thesis from The University of Adelaide.
Was also awarded
- High Commendation (runner-up) for Academic Excellence in Postgraduate Research at the 2015 Study Adelaide International Student Awards, Adelaide, South Australia.
- Merdeka Award 2015 from Australia-Malaysia Business Council (South Australia) Inc. for outstanding academic achievement, ability to act as an ambassador for South Australia and contribution to the furthering of the South Australia-Malaysia relationship
- 1st place Student Poster Award for the best poster at the 31st International Congress on Occupational Health, Seoul, South Korea
- School of Population Health Prize for the best poster at the 2014 Florey International Postgraduate Research Conference, Adelaide, South Australia