
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What I like about ex-students' wedding?

Amongst the things I love most about my ex-students' big day is...

1. I could see their nerdy look transformed into a glowing bride/groom.
Yang dulu serabai-serabai, sekarang dah macho. Yang dulu berlemoih, sekarang dah pandai make-up dan ber-high heels.
p/s: Topex the bridegroom wasn't a selekeh student back then, by the way.

2. Time to b*tch about  gossip this and that. 
Adihana dengan Wan la kepalanye nih. (#tangan genggam macam nasyid)

3. Time to check out, who has had a bigger diameter around the waist. Yang dah kawin ke yang belum kawen? Ehehehe.
p/s: It is soooo not right to talk about work ala-boasting-myjobissodamngood-kau-ado?

 4. And I am truly happy to see these faces again!
FYI, these are amongst my first students when I started my job (antara my fav batch). They were there since I was single... sampai tolong-tolong for my wedding... sampai datang visit ramai-ramai when I gave birth to Lil Adam... sampaiiii la sekarang.
That's why some of them call me 'Kak Is' je. Tak main la Puan-Puan lagi dah... Lagipun we are just like 2-4 years apart.

Seriously, I was sooo touched, rasa macam nak nanges. (okay, stop it Isabelle the Neng Yatimah!)

Congrats, Topex & Faatimah. Moga cepat dapat baby.

Lepas ni sapa nak kawen, jangan lupa ajak so we can have this kinda gathering again.


  1. owh dtg awal dtg lewaat sgt...smpai2 depa da nk kemas2 da...hehe..xsmpat jumpe2..huhu

  2. nampak sebaya je u dgn student2 u. mcm my hubby mula2 masuk ngajar, student2 tu ingat dia student jugak sama dgn diorg hahahaha

  3. jadi pendidik ni mesti dikenang seumur hidup gitu kan:)memang nampal sungguh remaja la disamping anak2 murid :P

  4. I tak pernah pergi lg mana2 wedding my ex-students. masa I start kerja pun ss of the first batch were just few years younger than me.

  5. teringat zaman student2 panggil 'cik' (masa belom kawen). berlagak tua, walhal tua 3 thn je drpd diorg hehe. tp batch plg best bila ajar set2 senior kot (cikgu2 senior ex-maktab yg sambung degree). dgn diorg2 skali pggil i cik... walhal pangkat anak diaorg. really fun, sbb ajar pon light2 ajo, kesian gak dah in their 40s, kena buat flash animation bagai... alahai... pgg mouse pon terkial2 stgh nya tu. but they were a fun batch, mujur la kelas diaorg ni kelas intro and 1 sem ajo...

  6. amboi....lecturer pun segagan dah ngan student..awet muda gitu..hehe

  7. jeles..u nampak sebaya je ngan student..

  8. sonot nyeeeeeeeeee...bila la i nk jd lecturer nihhh *apply pun tak :P

  9. lecturer xsedar diri namanya ni wakakaka..

    kenapakah saya pulak kepala gosip nih T____T


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