
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tragedi Pizza Little Cinta

Since this morning Lil Adam (a.k.a Little Cinta,as I sometimes address him) was a bit unhappy going to the nursery, I promised him "Okay,tonight we'll make pizza together..."

So, after work I rushed to prepare the topping, sauce, whatnot.. and called him to start putting the topping together.

But as he approached the table to give his very own chef touch...

There goes my Arcopal bowl T-T

Nak marah, tak patut. It'd only ruin the fun I have planned since morning. So,we continued...

...with me telling myself, "I can't be crazy to love the bowl more than I love my boy. But... *sob sob* dah tak lengkap dah set aku." :(

On a lighter note, terrrrpaksa la MrHubby belikan Corelle dinner set yang square tu. Kan? Kan?
Kukuh tak alasan? Hehe

Oh yea.. a peek at the pizza...

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. aku blk nie leh la mkn pizza :)

    sedih ja muka lil adam dok boh topping 2?

  2. hahaha teringat kat mak i! menantu dia terpecahkan set arcopal yang dia beli kat singapore. dia jaga dah lebih 20 thn lebih. dia sikit pon tak marah menantu dia. tapi bile menantu balek baru dia luahkan betapa sentapnye perasaan dia. hehehe sib baik la yang tu menantu kesayangan. kalau tak harus kena sangsang dgn mak. heheheh

  3. wah sedapnya pizza.bagus aktiviti camni dgn kids! happy adam tuh!:)

  4. uih..arcopal pun pecah eh.. sorry saya memang takde pinggan mangkuk mahal2 mmg takde pengetahuan am..ingat arcopal tak pecah..

  5. Suka adam dpt buat pizza yer ☺☺

  6. nak resepi pizza leh? especially tang wat topping tuh..hehe~!

  7. ryna ismail,
    xpa..nnt adam pau maksu-suruh bwk pi pizza hut

    che kay,
    erkk.. camna agaknya kalo akak terrrpecahkan koleksi MIL. mampuih aku xberani balik kg.

    ummi salsabila,
    saja nak bagi dia seronok. try la dgn anak2

    arcopal/arcoroc/corelle dan yg sewaktu dgnnya pecah in chips la.tak berderai mcm pinggan kaca.

    dia rasa hebat la tu dpt hands on

    ibu MZW,
    alaa..main campak2 je crab stick, udang, mayonis, cheese, etc.

  8. wahh..nmpk menyelerakn..sedap x??

  9. cam best je...
    sauce instant or wat sendiri?

  10. ciss! aku ingt nk rsa pizza 2! da crabstick~nyum2!


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