
Monday, June 6, 2011

Meet & greet Ultraman Mebius & Cosmos

Ask any kids if they know Ultraman. I bet 9 out of 10 will know that Japanese superhero.
It's been so long since my childhood (and prolly those mak bapak's childhood as well) that the character appeared on TV.

So, this time when Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Cosmos came to Sg Wang Plaza, I brought Lil Adam to meet & greet them. Maklumlah... hero pujaan, harus la mata bersinar-sinar macam Shin Chan nampak kakak cantik.

Sampai-sampai je, lagu Cosmos berkumandang di udara. Lil Adam yang tengah mamai & cranky terus alert. Hahaha.

Tapi punya la ramai family dok queue...
The pass was RM10 only, unless if you purchase the merchandise worth RM200- then it's free.

Considering Lil Adam selalu takut kalo jumpa mascot... dan masa kat Bandung dulu, nampak tugu Ultraman pun dia cuak-cuak... so, we just bergambar dari bawah stage je.

Lagipun, takut jugak kalo dah dimanjakan sangat, dia jadi obses sangat...
Adik ni memang obses dengan Ultraman. Every week dia kikis mak dia suruh beli. Kalau Lil Adam macam ni, naya aku!

Tengok ni...dia malu-malu bergambar depan orang ramai.

Muka teqempon-qempon bila aku suruh pose macam Ultraman nak mem'fire'.

Kalo ada nephew aku, Iman... mesti excited dia.
Morepeace/ISAR, mai la turun KL this weekend. Sempat lagi...
The Ultramen are here on...
3,4,5 June and 10,11,12 June 2011
at 1pm, 4pm amd 7pm

Ni la figurine keluarga Ultraman...dari tok nenek moyang dia...sampai la the latest generation.

Aku dah tak berapa kenal sangat. Tapi Lil Adam... jangankan nama, siap lagu Ultraman yang pelbagai tu dalam bahasa Jepun pun dia hafal. (Kan ke bagus kalo kau hafal Quran macam tu...huhu)

I posted this from my Android right after the event, tapi nape ntah tak muncul-muncul

1 comment:

  1. :) luckily AIR1 knows abit of it only from the nursery.... at home tak pnah tgk ultraman ni pon :)


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