
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Selamat Hari Ayah!

Justify Full
It's Father's Day...
To all daddies, ayah, abah, bapak, baba, walid, pak, dan yang sewaktu dengannya...

I wish u... Happy Father's Day!
Ur kid(s) and spouses are all proud of u (kecuali bapak2 x guna yang pandai buat anak je tu).

On this special day, I'd like MrHubby to know that I truly appreciate his attention, care, help, love and bla..blaa... to me, and to Lil Adam (plus the little-one too).
Semoga terus menjadi ayah kebanggaan anak-anak kita.

I love u, Centa!


  1. Selamat Hari Ayah to yr chenta!

  2. happy father's day to all fathers in the world :)

  3. tahun ni x buat contest Is? i think dah setahun kot kita jd blogmates, sbb nya i first kenal this blog through daddy's dearest contest, rasanya. x menang, only got up to selected by juries ajor... huhu :(

    but look where it had took us from then :)

    happy father's day & happy 1-year being blogmates! :P

  4. Insyaallah,...
    Selamat hari bapa kepada seluruh dunia..!!

    Betul kata Oyis..lepas baca komen ..baru tersedar.
    dah setahun dh kita kenal dalam blog ek.

  5. happy daddy's day to ur hubs. patut nya timedady's day ni kita kasik chance daddy spend time ngn anak kan (mak nya bleh rilex) hahahaha.

  6. slmt hari ayah kpd semua suami bloggermates ku...

    oh ye, mmg ingat psl contest tu. cuma tahun ni bz skit.. kalo xde aral, x lama lagi, i buat giveaway ye?


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