
Friday, May 28, 2010

Nak buat apa ye?

Weekend ni mesti ramai yang balik kampung kan? Sebab ada cuti Wesak.

We actually have made a plan for today, but it has to be postponed. Kalo tidak, MrHubby has to go to Kelantan on Monday (for a week). Sekali gara-gara kes kapal berlanggar kat Pengerang tu, he has to go to Johor too. Hampesss tul la.

I hate being alone. Banyak hari pulak tu!!! Boring!!!
Sedangkan aritu MC dua hari pun, aku dah weng kebosanan. Ni kan pulak seminggu!
Tau je la, dengan keadaan sekarang...lagi la aku rasa nak berkepit je.

I wanted to go somewhere, but where?
Paling-paling in my list sekarang
  • Kuar for grocery shopping
  • Bawa Lil Adam feed the tortoises

Nak jalan jauh-jauh pun tak boleh. Ajak Bibah meet up tadi, she advised me to rest... concerning my health conditions.

Sape ada plan? Ajak la sekali wei... aku BORING TAHAP DEWA ni...


  1. kesiannya.. take a good care of urself.. *i pun tgh pk nk pg mana.. xdak idea..*

  2. Mari lah pergi hari-hari!!! hahah ;)
    -jiji nasir-

  3. i_sofia,
    jom la, kita dating.

    wahahaha....hari2 pegi hari-hari tu. baik2 jimat pun, duit abis.

  4. Salam, M one of you silent readers/ followers since last year 2009. Enjoyed your blog so much. Ada manis, masam, pahit and rentung juga. BTW, let me intoduce myself. I am Catherine Nah from USJ 20. Hometown Penang. Married with a set of twins ( 15 yrs old) . Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. :))

  5. tiqah dah kat umah kak..huhu x dpt ajak akak kuar

  6. cat,
    hi there. i'm glad that u finally decided to surface bcoz i'm planning a major thing for the blog.will keep my followers updated. else,u'll have to email me at snowwybear at gmail dot com.

    waaa... berjanggut la akak tunggu kat umah.

  7. .:: Jalan-jalan carik cekelet di kilang Beryl's Bangi... Hehehe!!! ::.

  8. darling! jom jumpa!!!! my hubby also kerja lor.... hukhuk... eh, tp kat luar ni dah hujan la pulak....huhuhuhu....

    check ur email dear... ada invitation... :))

  9. memang boring dok umah...kalau i mesti kuar window shopping..cuci2 mata :P sanggup tu heret my 2 boys :) apa2 hal pun take care yer belle

  10. uiks i pun arini layan duk umah je beb!!

  11. mrs mondok,
    wahhh...nak cekelat!!!

    tu la. dr tadi ingat nak ajak u, tapi ingat ur hubs mesti la xkeje.

    mama zharfan,
    i pun tgh pikir nak kena heret gak adam ni kalo x nak mati kebosanan dlm umah.

    hehe.pakat2 jadi budak baik :P

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. huhu i tak ke mana pun today... melepek di rumah jer dok belek pokok2 hehe... i tanam sunflower..

  14. ala.. baru teringat nk belek komen nih.. i tdo je tadi. hujan. pastu kuar g giant kinrara. punya la ramai umah.. ngeee.. maybe next time boleh set time g deting. teringin jugak nk jumpa lecturer.. :)

  15. lady of leisure,
    tanam sunflower? good.i dont have green fingers.

    plenty of time lagi... arini, esok pun muleh...


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