
Monday, March 15, 2010

Adam nak adik?

I was informed by MrHubby, Lil Adam wasn't looking for me when I wasn't around. Too much distraction from Ultraman, his new dinosaur book, etc.
Tapi bila my SIL tanya "Adam, mama mana?"
"Mama keje" (Cewah! Cewah! Kau x pelik ke mama keje smpi malam?)

Balik dari field trip last Sat, MrHubby & Lil Adam fetched me...and as I got into the car, Lil Adam pun menyelak my blouse sambil berkata "Mama...bon-bon please!"

Haihhh...ingatkan dia dah lupa, rupanya tak! Kalo macam ni gayanye, lambat la Lil Adam dapat adik. Speaking of his adik, so far, I have asked Lil Adam...

"Adam nak adik?" and "Adam nak baby?"
but the answer is either "No" or "Tanak!!!"

But as he was reading his storybook one day...

(cite nie macam cite Lebai Malang)

he kept on pointing at the spiders and guess what???

Watch this video..and u'll get the hint!!! ;)


  1. aaaa... mane blh lupe... kihkihkih... erm, adik lily tu means adam lil sister la tu ekkk...ekekekekeke... yalah... to start conceiving, perlu bercerai susu dahulu...

  2. fizamior,
    ngeee :P
    tapi ada kwn i, still bf pun leh pregnant, period pun mcm biasa..smpi dia x sedar dia pregnant. haha

  3. yeah...adam lil sis/bro on d way le ni..

  4. is it time dah anak bujang tu dpt adik? hehehe...

  5. hhehe..comelnya Adam.dah fasih jgk dia bercakap kan?!! best..mesti petah mcm Aliah ni.Wei,we've made a decision laah on Aliah nursery.

  6. Still can conceive while breastfeeding...few of my friends have done it.

    Though abit taxing on the body, tpai if enough supplements, shouldn't be a problem.

    Adam nak kawan la tuh...:)

  7. apash,
    not yet la. have to work harder.hehehe

    unfortunately belum ada rezeki. xpe la. cepat atau lmbt, i terima je.

    good 4u. btw, adam mmg byk mulut. inherited from me la nie :P

    i missed my period for 21 mths, so lmbt sikit kot body nak adapt with the hormonal change. anw, wish me luck!

  8. Comelnya adam, tak pelat lah dia. My son still pelat lagi, sampai kekadang tak faham apa dia cakap (^_^)

    Ada org senang conceive while BF, mcm i agak susah jugak, ni pon baru jer conceive lepas anak nak masuk 3 thn. Adam nak kawan dah tu...hehehe...

  9. i wish u pregnant, aku lak hover nak wish ko pregnant bagai, sorry terlebih sudah.... :)
    ampunkan patik tuanku permaisuri...

  10. hehehe... mama nak bon bon please... comel giler panggil bon bon... i just dont know why, everytime u mention bon bon i cant help laughing over here...

  11. fiza,
    mmg x ajar dia pelat..takut 'lekat' pelat tu.wahh..bestnya u dah conceive!!!

    kalo aku dpt anak pompuan, aku suruh dia ngorat adam kodam...hehe

    lady of leisure,
    hehehe.nnt i buat entry ttg bon-bon tu ye? in the meantime, have a good laugh ;P

  12. comeyyyy ..geget kang Adam neh...hik3x.. mama dgn ayah kejap2 tukar2 karakter je


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