
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eggs...oh... eggs

Telur... telo... or teloq...
No matter how u pronounce it, I love eggs so much. I mean, the real egg, not 'that egg'.
(sila clearkan otak biru anda sebab lambat lagi malam Jumaat) :P

This morning, I got a bunga telur from the Professorial Lecture by Prof Kamal. I am always excited when it comes to bunga telur.

Look...nice ay?

But the part that I fancy most is not the beautiful flower...
it's the egg!

When I was small, upon seeing Abah coming home from any kenduri, Kokokularigagahberani & I would rush and grab the bunga telur to eat the egg. If Abah happened to come back with two bunga telurs, we won't be quarelling that much.

Our passion towards eggs is to the extent that Tok would come up with a solution "Nah..amik duit ni, pegi beli 10 bijik telur, kita rebus makan."

But much to our disappointment, the eggs would never taste as nice as from the kenduri kawins. Why ahhh? I think they must have put some ingredients like salt or certain leaves while boiling 'em.

Came Along's wedding (I was 16 then), I was so excited seeing so many eggs being boiled and put in the porcelain baskets. But I was more excited seeing the cracked ones. Cracked or slightly broken eggs mean it would not be given to the guests, hence I had the chance to eat 'em all. Hehehe.

My fondness towards eggs is shared with MrHubby & especially Lil Adam (as I blogged once ago). So, it is not an issue for us to have a meal of rice and egg or omelette, though it might sound like orang miskin takde lauk!

The issue is...the egg that I get today- should I eat it or should I keep it for my lil munchkin? (Mama yang hampeh)


  1. i skrg sangat suka telur esp yg tiga suku masak.. i suka ketuk bahagian atas then cedok dengan sudu.. makan dengan pepper n garam skit...
    nikmat giler...
    telur daday i suka makan ngan tomyam.. memang kena betul kan..
    kinda agree with u, telur yg org kasi masa kenduri kawin sedap kan.. beza dengan yg dimasak sendiri....

  2. bezanya?
    telur kenduri, dapat2 tinggal kupas dan makan aje... telur masak sendiri, kena basuh, kena rebus, kena tunggu sejuk, baru dapat kupas dan makan... sebab tu rasa pun lain.. hehehe

  3. ahhaha..makan je dulu,anggap adam x tahu! :p I pun suka telur bunga telur..kalau yg rebus biasa2 tu kurang ump! Aliah pun sama..nak2 kalau cicah dgn toyu!!

  4. bukhairiah,
    ilem pun dah abs daseml..hehe

    lady of leisure,
    i pun suka half boiled eggs. tapi x fhm cama ada org mkn yg mentah. ee...yuck!

    hehe. yg free mmg sedap! tidak dpt dinafikan

    i dgn berat htinya smlm bagi kat adam.huhu.dia dah pandai demand..."soy sauce"

  5. sedapnya teluar rebus dgn kicap. eh adam u ajar speaking in english ek?

  6. teringat email yang di fwd kisah 'lawak telur' terkentut depan mertua..kes bantai makan telur tak igt dunia.hahaha

  7. oyis,
    a'ah...sikit2 la. tapi kdg2 diasebut yg malay gak. belajar drp budak lain kot kat umah sitter tu.

    lin muhamad,
    a'ah...siap 'feel' lagi kentut tu sbb xtau mertua ada kat sblh. haaa

  8. i suka mkn telir kuning je, yg putih i bg org. lps tu kentut busuk giler eheh

  9. cikebum mesti x dapat makan teloq tu..huhuhu..

  10. isk isk.. entOt busuk...


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