
Monday, December 14, 2009

Flasher in Vietnam

Have u ever met a flasher?

I did. But the one that I'm sharing with u is my experience of going out with a flasher in Vietnam! It wasn’t a frightening experience, instead it was funny.

Just look at these piccas…

Oh, my sweetie pie. Why did u do that? :P


  1. oh, oh! *tutup mata*

    knp ek adam meng-flash tu? dia poo poo ke? hihi..

    wow, i didn't know you'd just gone to vietnam. cuti2 akhir tahun ke? cool...

  2. flasher ni pakai diapers..takpe..ngeeee

  3. oyis,
    bukan...dia x poo-poo masa tu. i dunno why suddenly he pulled down his pants :P x selesa kot.

    p/S: nope.i didnt go to vietnam. saja je tulis cenggitu sbb dia pakai baju vietnam yg mrhubby beli masa dia pi workshop aritu.

    hehe. maka x gelap la hati auntie yatie ye? hehehe

  4. kekekek.. comeii arr..

    ape sudah jd cikebumm?? huhuh

  5. haha!!
    tu la, mak dia kan notty.. suka wat tiger show kannnn,stripping2 bagai xpasal2 anak jadi flasher ekeke~

  6. hahaha...
    anakku.. he just wanna say GOOD Morning to Vietnamese yg ada kat M'sia... hahaha...

    err.. ada org vietnam baca ke blog ni

  7. pna,
    xtau la. oja xde perangai pelik2 mcm ni ke?

    i suppose i have to slow down thst tigery show la, since adam dah faham what is going on around him :P

    lady of leisure,
    like mama, like son ;)

    abu zuhair,
    hahaha.akhirnya ayah ada komen!!! ni mesti takut mama sentap xnak update belog.hihi


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