
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The blame game

Little Adam can now utter the word "Papaya." Super cute!
He tried to imitate me singing Iman's song... (nyanyi ikut lagu "Are u sleeping Brother John")

"Watermelon... watermelon...

Bananananana Bananananana

Foo set lessss...fooo set lesss"

Hehehe... sapa boleh teka what is actually in the last line?


Oh... talking about Iman, that day... suddenly memecah kesunyian...


Papa : Hish... Iman kentut ye? X senonoh!
MakLang : Haha. Iman pot pot.
Iman : *grin* Seluaq ni x baguih la

??? Pulakkk!!! Blame the pants???

* * * * *

Then, this morning...

Me : Hah, Ayah. Citer la kat Mama what happened in CSI last nite.
MrHubby: Hmm... sampai mana Ayah tengok ekk?
Me : What?! So, Ayah tertido sebelum habis la ye? Haha
(Tu la... kelmarin kemain gelakkan aku sbb tertido masa tengok Desperate Housewives)
MrHubby: Mana ada? TV tu yang tertido masa Ayah tengok dia.
Me : You're right!

??? And now... blame the TV ??? :P


  1. hihihihi!!!!!seluaQ nie yg xbaguih.....

  2. tu la acik...
    lain kali hang kena beli seluaQ yang ada penyerap bunyi & bau. Hahahaha

  3. hahahaha....hang tunggu la time adam besaQ iman..ntah apa plak alasannya!


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