
Sunday, November 30, 2008

The last party at the house

Somewhat around last fortnite, my beloved students insisted on having a BBQ at my place. Well, may be they just need a space to conduct it and mingle. So, I agreed... provided that they don't expect me to prepare anything, as I'd be very tired after work.

So, here are some pix of the event. You can also read Adi's entry on the BBQ.

Adi was the child minder. Playing, jumping with munchkin sampai basah keti. Hahaha.

There were two bibiks, working really hard in the kitchen- Shila and Zack.

Alaa... Shila tu, x lama lagi je tu. Zack pun, kalo dah rajin camni, x lama lagi, kalo x Nik, Miji yang dapat. Hahaha :P

Shila's fried noodles were yummy, just a bit too spicy! But we toned it down with the dollops of mayonnaise in the coleslaw.

The arrival of Najma (& Asyran-not in the pix)

These are the guys, patiently barbecuing the chicken.

Note the small head amongst the blokes.

Tadaaa... the spread of food, b4 everything went down our tummies.

Zack in the love triangle. Hehehe. Yang mana 1, idaman kalbu?

Asyran- ni apa duduk mcm pengantin ni? Cuba tengok org sebelah tu duduk camna.

The bros n sistas chuckling and giggling. Lawak apa tu ye?

Mat, trying his 'bakat terendam' fatherhood.

And this pix was taken before everybody was stuffed and started lying down like pythons after swallowing a goat.

Oh yea...and as Adi said, I forced 'em all to try the Ogawa mobile seat. Hihihi :P

To my dear students,
Since none of u brought a one-kilo cheese cake (as one of u have promised), it is highly likely that none of u will get an A. Muahahaha (gelak Komeng).

p/s: this is an evil footnote and will self-destruct after the exam result is out.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Girly-version Cikebum

This is what happens if my munchkin is a girl. Hihihi...

Y'know...The first thing Cikebum'd do when he arrived home with us is...

1. He'll go to the bedside table
2. Pick the Solat Sunat book or Yasin
3. Put it on the floor, open it page by page
4. Put his palms next to his cheeks/ears and start babbling, as if he's calling for prayer (azan) or maybe reciting what's written.

Subhanallah. My sweetie pie!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy birthday to Ina, my youngest sister!

Will be off to Sabah 24th-28th Nov.
So, I wont be around on my 2nd wedding anniversary, which happens to fall on the same day of my fav students' graduation :(

Anyway! Congratulations to u all ;)

To the readers out there, feel free to leave comments in this blog. Tak rock la setakat baca je, wei! Tulis la apa2 sekali.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Proudly presents... my very first poster ever, to be presented at UMS next week. Hehehe.

Hnss..hnnss... (kontrol saiz lobang idung)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bad day

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

Phew! Eventually the struggle is over. At the moment, I just hafta summarize my report to 10 pages.

Today is the worst day, err.. a terrible day, that is.
Early in the morn, I had everything completed b4 we started the Lab Safety Talk (co-organized with Merck), only to realize that actually Merck has appointed an emcee and some girls for the registration. Ok, at least I'm prepared for the worst case scenario.

Before the event started, I had to call the cleaner to mop the floor. My oh my! A poodle of water in the lecture theater. What'd they think? Ok la... just a small flaw.

After the Deputy Dean came to officiate, I left the venue for AS229's final year project presentation. I was then told the nightmare that has been haunting me for the past few weeks. There wasn't enough food for lunch!

To make things worse, the electricity went off. Lucky that we could shift to 401.

It didn't end there. The mic was malfunctioning and we had to rush here and there for help as the technicians in charge were both unavailable. Gosh!
I felt like such a failure.

Rusdin asked me to seek help from that idiot who once 'cari pasal' with me with the spilled milk issue. Eee... x kuasa mak!

Hmmmphhh...I just hope the participants, as well as the Merck reps look at it as an uncontrollable situation, beyond our capabilities. Eheh, can aar?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Adam's milestones

After 14 beauitiful months, Adam is a big boy now. He's so active. He'll be busy wandering from the front door to the laundry room, marching like a li'l monster to the bathroom when the door is open. He'll follow me to the kitchen whenever I'm there. Look what he did the other day...

(Peeking inside...) Hmmm ..looks interesting!

Alamak! I'm caught red-handed :P

Mama... can I just have this? Just this one...

Whoa! This is cool. I can scatter 'em all.

Well, Adam can sometimes be a naughty boy but he sure knows the way to curve a smile on my face. Yet, I don't feel like lavishing him with attention and materials. Well, people might say... what type of parents are we, yada..yada... but it's my way of raising my munchkin.

I wonder it'd be if he were to get a sister soon.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Days out with old buddies

On two different weekends, I managed to meet my old friends, Bibah and Ina Siman.

Well, as usual, there's plenty of ups and downs, advices & dark secrets to share with Bibah. Chatting with her is never boring. She knows me inside out. Even just with a hint of clue, she could tell me the whole story. Syyy... (zipping up lips)

On another note, congrats to Ina Siman (my gonjeng mate during schooldays) who just got a baby gurl. Nur Iffah Eryna. Err..did I spell it right?
Alaa...Ina Siman. Ok la tu. At least I don't name her Aslidi, instead of Eryna (for the combination of aslina & erialdi). Kwa..kwaa...kwaaa....

Actually, I haven't heard from her for a long time, yet recently she called to tell me that she's on maternity leave! Anyway, welcome to the club!

Aku baru ingat nak suruh Adam ngorat anak kau, tapi kalau kita berbesan, musti kau kikis anak aku cukup2 kan? Kensel la...

Wei Ina Siman & Najah Mo'min, we really hafta set a day to chill out to reminisce and gossip about many things. Where's Siti Rahmah Hassan ekk?

*p/s: we used to call each other by full name, including with the surname. Funny!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My UPSR story

Today is the day the UPSR result is announced. So, let me share my story with u about my experience getting the result.

It was the nerve-breaking moment (ye la, 1st big exam la katakan). That morning, before assembly, I bumped into Cikgu Mazlan and he asked me what was my expectation. I said I was nervous, but with a grin.

There, there was a big crowd at the canteen of SeKeTuL (as I address my primary school), as that's where they display the results.

I was a bit late, bcoz I had to meet a teacher, if I'm not mistaken. So, I pushed the crowd (being the brutal me), and tried to look for my name...

Cikgu Ismail (he looks really like Anwar Ibrahim) who was also in the crowd said "Hah..Is******... awak dapat apa?" eyeballs followed his fingers, pointing at my name.

Is****** Ismail A A A A

Spontaneously, I jumped in joy. "Yay!"
And Cikgu Ismail semi-sarcastically said "Org cakap Alhamdulillah, dia 'yay! pulak"

Then I left the scene. Ahhh...Cikgu Mail is always like that. He always sorta try to find my faults, whether he's just kidding or what, this time, I don't bother.
And from that moment, I was smiling ear to ear, uttering tahmid again and again.

Know why? Being a student who is always on top of the list for the batch, I desperately must get straight A's. I just can't bear getting a B for any of the subjects.

Back home, as I reached the backyard (we always use the back door), I quietly told Tok the results. Then, Mak popped out and asked "Hah?! What do U get?"

With a sedih-dibuat-buat-face, I answered "3A, 1B"

and in no time, Mak started hen-pecking "Tu la, org suruh belajar..bla..bla..."

Bcoz I don't like hearing 'em, I admitted "I got 4As la..."

And the sheepish Mak went in saying "Hmm..gatal!"

Today, I am not surprised to get a text msg from Sue when Amira got straight A's (it's 5A's now). I knew it already! Kudos, dear Kakak!
I hope little Adam will follow her steps one day. Ok guys, I'm signing off... am going back to force Adam to read encyclopaedia tonite. Hahaha.

p/s: Congrats to Irsyad, too! We never thought he (Sham's nephew) would make it :P

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The 4 things

I finished the Industrial Training thingy about an hour ago, so here I am... trying to scribble something for the day.

Well, despite the busy day... I accompanied my boss to meet a Kuwaiti, Dr Fatma at the Secret Recipe. Just some semi-formal stuff, about producing a book on Waste Management.

Okay, let's take a break by having fun with this survey.

4 Jobs I Would Stink At:-
1. Childminder. Simple...bcoz I just don't have the patience. My little boy is an exception. I couldn't imagine if I have three or more growing up kids at once.

2. Witness in the court - i have an oblivious memory, both short term and long term. So far, it hasn't put me in dire situations, but at least I had to remain calm when I realize things are going haywired. Teehee :P

3. Athlete- I am just born unathletic (refuse to use the word 'loser'). Chettt! Call me sniffy, call me supercilious. I just don't wanna lose, so I'd rather take part in something that I am pretty sure I can fairly do.

4. Chef de Missione - due to my blunt tastebuds, I am just hopeless to be a chef. As I told in my previous entry on Sagu. Anyway, this doesn't mean I'm not a good cook!

4 nicknames I'd give myself:-

1. MamaBear - a skinny one, that is. Apparently I'm not fair enough to be a SNOWybear.

2. Volcano - unexpectedly erupt at any time. Be my guest at your own peril.
3. Creamy, sugary donuts - Guess why?!
4. Notty - obviously, bcoz I'm one.

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:-

1. Puteri Gunung Ledang - Beautiful scripts and costumes, I just love the epic.
2. The Terminal - Tom Hanks made me cry every time I watch the scene when a big guy overtake the carts he collected.
3. The Green Mile - why am I so into this guy's acting? Perhaps it's him who made the movie a good one.
4. Ayat-ayat Cinta - a beautifully written sweet conflict of the real life.

4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I pass out:-

1. Maldives. I hope by then, it's still as beautiful as it is today.

2. Story Bridge/Mt Coottha/Great Court BNE - to reminisce the sweet moments. And ahh... Snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef too!
3. Korea, to chill out with Kelly. Hey Rebecca, come join us!
4. Makkah Al-Mukarramah

4 Things I Love To Do On Weekends:-

1. Being massaged and fall asleep in the air-cond room, with drizzle outside.

2. Eating without having to worry about cholesterol.
3. Retail therapy.
4. Be the couch potato. How I wish they have Desperate Housewives marathon every week!

4 celebrities I would go on a Big Date with:-

1. Anuar oh-my-oh-my Zain - I'd go ga-ga when I meet him.(drool! drool!)
2. Err..sape adik Ziana Zain tu? Will u sing to me on the date?
3. Again, Anuar Zain, coz he's the hunk of the century! (iyolah tu)

4. Ok la, give it a break. Maybe Damon Wayans - is he as crazee as Michael Kyle?

4 objects I could not live without:-

1. Foodie and foodie
2. My mobile phone
3. Anti-perspirant spray
4. 2-way-cake & a dash of red colour on my lips

4 gadgets I do not have which I would quite like to have:-

1. Unlimited supplementary credit cards. Uh-oh! Isn't it a gadget? :P
2. Robomaid - the robot that doesn't need my instructions to clean the house and never break down
3. Magic solutions to treat the fine lines and make me flawless
4. Tell-me-everything machine - that will give answer to whatever confusion I have. Eh, have they invented any?

What about u, guys? Let's share with me.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Running errands and chores

Phew! A humongous part of my task is complete now- drafting the letters for the students industrial training. It's no joke, u see! I thought it's just a simple task, co-ordinating this. Anyway, there's a pile of CVs to be attached with the letters.

Today's Friday, so... almost the end of the week. This weekend, apart from attending DrWan's kenduri... I'll be meeting Bibah. Yet another 34 answer scripts are waiting to be marked. Gosh! I hate exam weeks! Can't wait for the semester break...

In the meantime, there's plenty of housechores to do.

1. Sweeping, mopping, wiping (all means of clean up)... as the house gets dusty very quickly, although the doors are just opened for a few mins before we go to work, and few more mins when we come back home.

2. Need to do the laundry, dry 'em on the line, fold the dry ones. There's a big pile waiting to be folded.

3. Cooking. This is not compulsory, just upon Mr Hubby's request. Yet, if I do it, it means washing the dishes, cleaning up the kitchen, etcetera.

4. Clean up the mess made by little Cikebum. Nowadays he has started dragging the empty kettle from the kitchen to the living area (just like a handbag), other kitchen utensils to the bedroom, his toys left in the kitchen...

Argghhh! God, grant me strength to do all these & patience to face 'em all.
(Husband must have made a you're-right face if he reads this. Macam le aku yang buat semua tu. Hahaha)

Thanks, dear for lending a helping hand! Else, I'll definitely go mad.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

O-gawa surprise!

Am just taking this last few mins (before I leave the office) to release whatever is startling and bugging my mind.

Yesterday, I was so mad at this idiot who selfishly and inconsiderately left my bottle of milk where it wasn't supposed to after she realized her friend mistakenly took mine, instead of hers from the fridge.

I was unable to say anything else, as that was the third time I was upset by some imbecile morons. Fortunately, before I lost my mind, I got everything justified by a dear friend of mine, Sab. Thanks, babe.

My plan for the Ogawa surprise was sorta ruined a bit. But it has to go on. So, upon arriving home, I surprised my hubby by giving him the ever-wanted Ogawa mobile seat. Hehehe. That wasn't a big surprise, though. I just couldnt resist hearing him talking about Shady's mom who just bought that thing and I couldnt stand him quetching on his backache and sleepiness on a long drive.


Happy anniversary in-advance, dear!

I just couldn't wait any longer. Anyway, we would be on different piece of land on that day soon.

p/s: Acik, aku tak guna duit raya Adam tau! Hahaha

Back to that moron's story. This morning, while attending a forum with DrWan at TPM, the idiot texted me, wanting to meet me to explain everything.
She came several hours later, only to hear me bawling out sarcastically and reprimanding the possible consequences in the future. That idiot, with a stony face just swallowed my intense wrath.

A part of me said: My oh my... have I been a monster?

Another part of me said: It's ok. She deserved it!

Ok... time to go. Tonite's time to be a Panda again (black-patched eyes), marking the exam papers till late. Gosh!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mother crab teaching baby crab to walk properly?

Little Adam's personality is becoming more obvious now. he laughs a lot, smiles and grins. He even teases us to play with him.

But at times, he can be very cranky (asyik meghap je), as he always wants Ayah & Mama to be beside him, TOGETHER.
Hmm.. he must have got it from Mama. Tu la, I always meghap-meghap during pregnancy. Now it serves me right!

Notwithstanding that bad-but-still-tolerable behaviour, sometime around two weeks ago, while listening to the azan on Astro Oasis, he put his palms next to his cheeks/ears, trying to imitate Razak Ahmad (the muazzin). My, I was so touched!!!

He is so observant! Subhanallah...

Jadi anak yang soleh ye, Sayang. I don't care what people might say, me being the so-ordinary me, yet expecting the best for my kid(s). Iman is not something that we can pass to others, regardless of the flesh and blood relations we have.

As what Sham said, we can't simply judge people from what we see they are or what we see they do. We never knew, maybe they wake up late at night for solat sunat and such. We never knew if they always make sure their solat fardhu is on time.

So, who are we to label people as 'ketam mengajar anak berjalan betul' or what?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Birds of a feather flock together

Last weekend, I saw this flock of birds flying across the road we were passing by. It was amazingly beautiful.

Moi : What are they trying to do actually, flying in a flock like that?

Hubby : Alaa... raptai untuk konvo!

Ciss! Hampeh...

p/s: UiTM convocation is around the corner, hence the joke :P

Sunday, November 2, 2008

From little steps to big leaps

I'm on the move, Mama!

After months of learning and growing, now that Adam's on his own feet, walking a few steps without any help at all. Yes, he significantly started since the last raya holiday. It's hard to tell the exact date, but it's about a fortnight before he reached 13 months.

Here are some pix of the little steps, before I have to post pix of him jumping and running (that is suppose would be very soon!)

That's momma's boy!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wrinkles in Time...

Yesterday, Winie (or as I call her Dr Tan), Faezah went out together. There were many topics we talked about, including the visible fine lines under the eyes.

Not bad, huh? Not yet in our 30's, yet we are very concern of that thing. It must be the hardwork we have at home and at work. (wink@DrWan -as it's end of the year, SKT time! Hahaha)

In this cyber world, everybody is ageless, unless we meet up and start to count the lines on each other's faces. Oops! Wouldn't that be too much!? Anyway, there are numerous solutions out there- Vit C, botox, ozone, oxygen, etcetera.... Yet, they all pose different effects on different people, I reckon.

Since the first time I started lecturing, the students kept asking me about my age. I'm not shy or scared of my own shadow to tell the truth, but the Malay (or maybe Malaysian) culture is... students make it an issue not to respect the lecturers, esp. when we are just few years apart. Respect in this case is more on the attitude, not about a standing ovation or tabik hormat yang bukan-bukan.

Nevertheless, with time, they got to know my age. Maybe from my hubby (those who are so close to us), or maybe from my Friendster (I can always change it in my profile. Haha) or any means. When they wanted to celebrate my birthday, the number of candles would be another issue. Sometimes they got it right, sometimes not :P

And I always tease them, saying that I'll lower down their grades if they say I am older than 18. Well, I always go for that number as it is just perfect... young and not under-aged! Hihihi :)

Well, time sure flies, whether or not you are having fun. To me, age is just a number. It doesn’t really bother me much, it doesn’t slow me down.

Perhaps I have to learn not to worry about wrinkles or grey hair,as the laws of Physics said that things get oxidised, decayed and eventually cease to exist.

Spend more time worrying about the thing that does not care how you look- the expiry date! When it's time, it's time. May Allah bless us all.